Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2021, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 5.52%
Fraction 16.44%
Genre Melodrama
Production company UPS
Directors Serhii Krutin
Screenwriter Ksenіya ChornaOlyha Slіsarenko
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Onoprіienko
Production Designer Olena Ostapenko
Composers Maksim Kornіlyuk
Sound Directors Serhіy Kushnіrov
Film editor Viktor Onysko
Сostume designer Olena Blaghiievsyka
Makeup artists Halina Salynіkova
Second Director Yulіya SmichkovaAnna Savchuk
Casting director Olyha Dovhany
Producer Іrina Zarya
Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs
Leading actors Eva Shevchenko-HolovkoLyanka HriuArtem KarasiovOleksandr PecheritsyaPolіna VasilinaOlesya OstrovsykaIhor KrykunovYevhen BondarsykiyAntonina Makarchuk
Supporting Actors Natalіya ZolotaryovaTamara MorozovaNіna KastorfSofіya PіsymanVladislav BitikKostyantin KorecykiyZaza ChanturіyaV'yacheslav BielozorovYana KlyuchnikOleksandr MelynikAnatolii MarempolskyiLarisa UmancevaYevhen PashinOlena YablochnaAnna AbramyonokElina LypovaYevhen SіnchukovSerhіy BulіnOleksandr OnufrіievLiubov TyshchenkoEduard KіhtenkoMark TereshchenkoOleksandr KravchenkoOlena NovikovaMikita ParhomenkoOksana FilonenkoAndrіy TіtovLyudmila KrikunovaGaluna SviataArtem Kayun
Milena and Stas are happily married, both realized as professionals. He is a well-known plastic surgeon with his own clinic, she is a talented teacher. The couple dreams of having a baby.
In the parallel world lives 12-year-old Sasha – an orphan raised by Roma. Life in a boarding school burdens her, and the girl periodically runs away to the Roma, who replaced her family. She knows how to stand up for herself and lie.
One day their lives intersect when it turns out that Sasha is Stas' illegitimate child.
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