Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2020, series 16, ~48 minutes, TV channel Інтер
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre DramaHistorical
Production company Pro-TV ProdakshnVіktorіya-Unіversal Prodakshn
Directors Volodimir Dmitrіievsykiy
Screenwriter Oleksіy Karanovich
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Klimenko (II)Denis Chernishov (II)
Production Designer Vіtalіy Shamatіienko
Casting director Snighana Skorohod
Producer Vіktor PrihodykoArtem Prihodyko
Leading actors Oleksіy ZubkovTetyana KolhanovaMarіya AnіkanovaRoman ІndikValerіy AfanasyievІllya DeniskіnNіno NіnіdzeSerhіy VekslerLesia SamaievaVіktor GhdanovOlena Stefansyka
Supporting Actors V'yacheslav DovghenkoKaterina VarchenkoOleksіy DmitrіievKlavdіya Drozd (Bunina)Oleksandr PіskunovViktor StepanenkoAndrіy MostrenkoYurіy OdinokiyKateryna Sary-YurievaVeronіka Luk'yanenkoYeva Marіela KrivcovaVolodymyr MelnykSergey DengaVsevolod ShekіtaDanylo BochkovSvyatoslav TarasovMartin DmitrіienkoAndrіy NovichenkoІhor LisyukVіktor BabakMihaylo ChertіlіnOleksandr LohіnovNatalia SmirnovaValerіya Hulyaieva
The story of the Zhylin family, who were sent to the Urals to build a plant during the dekulakization and collectivization. For the protagonist, Fyodor Zhilin, who was arrested for refusing to go against his kulak father, the construction of a giant plant saved him from arrest and being sent to a camp. In the Urals, a completely different life began for Žilina, in which there was a place not only for labor achievements, but also for human dramas. And then the war broke out, ruthlessly destroying destinies ...
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