Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2018, series 4, ~46 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 6.6%
Fraction 22.23%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Kiivtelefіlym
Directors Valerіy Іbrahіmov
Screenwriter Yana Romanenko
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Andrіyashin
Production Designer Pavlo Karvan
Composers Mikita Yanoschuk
Sound Directors V'yacheslav Shtefan
Film editor Natalіya Dobrovolysyka
Сostume designer Ruslan Hvastov
Second Director Roman Prihodyko
Operator Artem KozirievІvan Nechiporuk
Casting director Іrina Nenahova
Producer Valentin Opaliev
Creative Producers Svіtlana Karvan
Leading actors Alіsa HrebenschikovaYulіya AhafonovaFіlіp BliedniyMihaylo HіmіchevSvіtlana Pavlova
Supporting Actors Іhor PetrusenkoBohdan YusipchukTetyana MіhіnaOlga LarinaOlena HighnaOleh ZamyatіnMarіya TarasovaVіtalіy ChelkanovAnastasіya CimbalaruAnna AbramyonokYevhen SmalyAnton VakhliovskyiTimofіy KrinicykiySerhii KucheraBohdan BuilukMarіya YeremenkoHalina KornieievaSlava Krasovskalilly NagornayaPavlo AldoshinVadim DіazMihaylo ChertіlіnІvanna LupuRoman LyahHristina KiselyovaVladislav KunіcinAnatolіy Holubovsykiy
Creation year 2018
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 24 october 2018
Premiere in Ukraine 15 april 2018
Senior accountant Inna is being replaced at work. She is accused of stealing a huge sum. Only coincidence saves a woman from prison - everyone mistakenly considers Inna dead in an accident. "Death" shows Inna the real state of affairs: "beloved" husband Nicholas betrays her. It is bitter for a woman to realize that she has been betrayed by those whom she trusted so much that she could not be near her children: Denis and Lisa. After all, if Inna "rises", she will immediately go to prison. Her friend Katya gives her an idea: to use her "dead" status to take revenge on traitors and at the same time try to regain her good name.
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