Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2021, series 4, ~45-46 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 7.48%
Fraction 20.6%
Genre Melodrama
Production company FіlymstrіmVileton Films
Directors Mikola Mihaylov
Screenwriter Olyha Donsyka
Director of photography (DOP) Vasiliy Sikachinsykiy
Production Designer Vіktor Doncov
Composers Vladlen Pupkov
Film editor Vasily Kartely
Сostume designer Ruslan Hvastov
Makeup artists Alіna Maystruk
Second Director Anna Yerofeieva
Casting director Yevheniya Ryzhko
Producer Vіtalіy SіrenkoNataliia StrybukVіktorіya KorohodІrina ChernyakІrina Franchuk
Leading actors Tetyana KazyuchitsDmitro RatomsykiyOleksandr NіkіtіnArtur LohaiNatalka DenisenkoMax Kostyunin
Supporting Actors Oleksandr KrighanіvsykiyOlesya OstrovsykaOleksandr LaptijOleksіy SmolkaNіna HalenaValeriy SheptekitaІnha NahornaOlena HighnaOlena TopolSerhіy DetyukValerіy PasіchnikAndrіy KronhlevsykiyMaksym KanyukaStanіslav BghezinsykiyOlena ChervonenkoValerіya ChaykovsykaSofіya KotlyarovaYurii KukharenkoOleksandr MoyseienkoOleksandr DanilychenkoHeorhіy LeschenkoDanylo BochkovMakar HalatenkoHerman HalatenkoAnton GrabovskiyІhor DimovAnna RudenkoVadim LyalykoAnatolii MarempolskyiMaksim NіkіtіnHennadіy TaranyukMikhalchuk AnastasiyaSerhіy KorshikovDmitro MelenevsykiyDmytro Oliinyk
The story of how, obsessed with the road, a trucker gets into a truck accident, and while he licks his wounds like a wounded beast, his housewife has no choice but to get behind the wheel of the truck to pay off debts and feed the family.
In the name of his family and the future of loved ones, Slava will have to overcome dishonest rivalry, business failures, breaking trucks, break the rejection of others, including colleagues – truckers, and most importantly, finally believe in their own strength.
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