Format Film
Category Full-length
Production company KinomediaLytvynenko Films
Directors Sasha Litvinenko
Screenwriter Sasha Litvinenko
Director of photography (DOP) Herman Shobuhov
Production Designer Boris Petrenko
Сostume designer Katerina PіrhoKsenіya Zolotuhіna
Makeup artists Katerina KucicykaYevhenіya Hulyhova-Polieva
Second Director Yevhenіy Litvinenko
Casting director Yevhenіy Litvinenko
Executive Producers Olesy MalyarevichSasha LitvinenkoYevhenіy Litvinenko
Creative Producers Sasha Litvinenko
The film consists of four short stories. Each part is a story of one of the family members. The first three short stories tell the story of two siblings, and the final fourth - brings to a logical conclusion everything that happened in the previous parts and reveals the story of my mother.
The older brother is a DJ who has a big debt and therefore he sells drugs, the sister is a theater actress who is constantly in trouble, and their younger brother is a promising IT man who tries to take revenge on his girlfriend, on the eve of their mother's birthday, get into trouble related to people from the criminal world. None of them guess about each other's problems. The mother, who is preparing to meet the children and her birthday, does not know either.
Burnt out at a music event, the producer, under the pressure of a large debt, is forced to work as a DJ and sell drugs in nightclubs. He falls victim to a big scam by his best friend. DJ's life is in danger. He is looking for his friend, and he is wanted by bandits, policemen, and many other people to whom he owes money.
The actress of the theater, who is constantly in trouble, choosing peace and quiet instead of a loud party with friends, is taken prisoner by a wounded fugitive bandit. At first, the frightened girl dreams of salvation, but later begins to help the criminal.
A promising IT specialist is trying to arrange the murder of an influential man who beat his beloved girl to death at a crosswalk and went unpunished. Following his plan, the guy gets into a difficult situation.
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