Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2021, series 4, ~50 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 7.76%
Fraction 20.99%
Production company Kiivtelefіlym
Directors Serhіy ScherbіnOleksandr ParkhomenkoDenis Tarasov
Screenwriter Nіna Vadchenko
Director of photography (DOP) Artem Koziriev
Production Designer Oleksandr Ukolov
Сostume designer Tetyana Zubarieva (II)
Makeup artists Іrina Boycova
Second Director Іlona Hordіienko
Operator Mikola KrighanіvsykiyStanіslav Tkachov
Casting director Іrina Nenahova
Producer Valentin Opaliev
Executive Producers Svіtlana KarvanPavlo Karvan
Line Producers Artem Sulіha
Leading actors Yulіya KokryatsykaYevhenіya OsipovaRoman PolyansykiyYevhen VolovenkoTetyana LyutaievaOleksandr Naumov
Supporting Actors Іnna KolyadaІhor RubashkіnMikola BoklanAnghelіka EshbaievaBoris KnighenkoNіna KastorfSerhіy SmeyanTimofіy DmitrіienkoNatalіya KudryavcevaAndriy DanylchenkoSerhіy DetyukVolodimir ShipovalovVasyl ZvierievAndrey MordovetsMarharita SavkunTata TaranyukRuslan UlitinArtem PoddubnyakNatalіya ІhnatovaІrina Kalashnіkova (Melnyk)Serhіy AnashkіnTaisіya BoykoLarysa SemyrozumenkoPolina Snisarenko-KulchytskaNіna HalenaYevhen KolorashNicolas KiyVladislav ArtemovІhor LisyukAnna KabatskaStepan DіdkіvsykiyFіlіp KozlovІvanna NіcakMarina HrechihіnaValeriy Rozhdestvenskiy
Lyudmila and Viktor were an exemplary family. But one morning Lyudmila kisses her husband and goes to work, and in the afternoon she is told that Victor has committed suicide. In a death note, he calls her by the strange name of Garuda and blames her for his death.
Ludmila is horrified, it just can't be. But now it is her reality. Friends who surround Lyudmila try to comfort, calm and support her. However, gradually Lyudmila realizes that some of her friends are enemies. Someone close, threatened Victor, forced him to jump from the bridge into a raging river, knowing that Victor could not swim. Someone very close is now trying to destroy both Lyudmila and their daughter. She urgently needs to figure it all out: figure out who around her is the weak link Victor hinted at, find out why Victor named her after the Indian god Garuda, and pinpoint who her mortal enemy is, or she won't survive.
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