Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2018, series 16, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 8.33%
Fraction 26.42%
Genre Melodrama
Production company FіlymstrіmVileton Films
Directors Miroslav Malіch
Screenwriter Halina Salyharelli
Director of photography (DOP) Vasiliy Sikachinsykiy
Production Designer Petro Koryahіn
Composers andrii ponomarov
Sound Directors Mihaylo Petrenko (II)Ihor Kazmirchuk
Film editor Anton Kononyuk
Сostume designer Hanna Marchenko
Makeup artists Svіtlana Muzika
Second Director Anna Savchuk
Casting director Yevheniya Ryzhko
Producer Vіtalіy SіrenkoYevhen LyaschenkoVіktorіya KorohodNataliia Strybuk
Executive Producers Іrina Franchuk
Leading actors Olena ShilovaMihaylo HavrilovІllya AleksieievKirilo DicevichOlyha HrishinaDmytro SovaKsenіya Nіkolaieva
Supporting Actors Larissa RusnakNatalіya KlenіnaІrina MelynikTamara MorozovaAnastasіya CimbalaruOleksandr KobzarPolina NosykhinaOksana ZhdanovaYehor KozlovHeorhіy PovolocykiyІhor HniezdіlovOlyha SumsykaYurіy HrebelynikMonika TkachukAnna LebedievaOleksіy CherevatenkoІrina Kalashnіkova (Melnyk)Kostyantin KorecykiyVіtalіna BіblіvIhor SalimonovSerhіy PetykoOlyha MorozovaAntonina MakarchukІvan HubanovAndrіy MerzlіkіnOleksandr Mironov (II)Іrina RoghdestvensykaAndrey MordovetsVolodimir BelyaievSvіtlana KnyazievaOleksandr MelynikSerhіy AsovsykiySerhіy UlashevIrina BarbinovaOleksіy BereznyaYulіya ShuharDenis TuchkovSerhіy AnashkіnBoris AbramovAlla MartinyukOlena HohlatkіnaMiroslav PavlіchenkoІrina RudenkoYulіya MotrukRuslan NіkonenkoDmitro PolietaievOleksіy DoroshevHalina RomanyukYevhen SkripnikІhor SpіnulІnna DoroshenkoValerіy LanecykiyValerіy LupіtykoVolodimir BіdashAnton AdamenkoNadіya MartovsykaOleksandr OnufrіievІrina BіbіkOleksandr BondarSofa HalaburadVolodimir HoncharovMikola ІhnatovІhor SheludenkoІllya LitvinenkoDamіr SuhovSerhіy LіstunovOleksandr PodolysykiySvetlana BevzSerhіy TihomirovAnna CherednikOleksandr YaroshenkoSerhey Lihtey
Casting Managers Sabіna Bahlay
Creation year 2018
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 24 june 2019
Premiere in Ukraine 17 september 2018
18-year-old Veronica, who dreams of becoming a singer, comes to the capital to enter a music school. Her mother, Larisa's best friend and Kostya, who has been in love with her since school, remain in her hometown. On the way, the girl meets Vadim, and the guy soon makes her an offer. Only after the wedding it turns out that Vadim used it. Veronica walks away from him before she realizes she's pregnant.
The girl returns to her hometown and gives birth to a girl, but two years later she goes to the capital again to continue her studies and file for divorce. However, there is a new shock awaits Veronica: she is a witness to the murder, which is replaced by the local authority of the Prince. In addition, in her pocket, the girl finds a film with compromising Prince photos. Veronica has only to flee, but from that moment not only she but also her relatives are under attack by bandits.
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