Format Film
Category Short
Genre Drama
Production company Vіatel
Directors Markiian Miroshnychenko
Screenwriter Neda NeghdanovaMarkiian Miroshnychenko
Director of photography (DOP) Andrіy Mironyuk (II)
Sound Directors Oleksіy LelyuhMarіya Іvaschenko
Makeup artists Darina Matvіychuk
Producer Halyna Kryvorchuk
Executive Producers Oleh Rudenko (II)
Leading actors Oksana BosaKirilo HorolyukOleksa HorodenkoAlіk Starshoy
Supporting Actors Tatiana Shchastina
Based on a play by Neda Nezhdanova.
A poignant and paradoxical story about a girl who survived the repression and famine of 1933.
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