Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2017, series 12, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 6.96%
Fraction 20.3%
Production company FILM.UA GroupIntra Communications
Directors Serhіy Scherbіn
Screenwriter Іhor Aheiev
Director of photography (DOP) Anton Verbіn
Production Designer Mikola Kіschuk
Composers Serhіy Morozov (II)Lyudmila Morozova
Sound Directors Oleksіy KamenyukaОлександр Осадчий (III)
Film editor Volodimir VoronіnOleksandr Melynichenko
Сostume designer Natalіya Holub
Makeup artists Natalіya Holub
Second Director Valerii KryzhanovskyiOleksandra Honcharova
Operator Іvan Borodіn
Casting director Veronіka Solnceva
Producer Marіya AlekseievaSerhіy KarataievVіktor MirsykiyVіktor UmnovLeonard Yanovsykiy
Executive Producers Katerina Shvecy
Line Producers Alybіna Poddubnih
Leading actors Dmitro BelyakіnMarina MitrofanovaStanіslav BoklanVolodimir HladkiyMark DrobotMaksim DahnenkoVasyl KukharskyiAndrіy MostrenkoІnna MіroshnichenkoVіtalіy SalіyDmytro SovaLev SomovOleksіy CherevatenkoVіra Shpak
Supporting Actors Dar'ya BarіhashvіlіOleksіy VertinsykiyOleksandr HalafutnіkBoris HeorhіievsykiyOleksandr HetmanskyiDmytro HrytsaiOleh KorkushkoІrina HrischenkoValerіya HulyaievaOleksandr DanilychenkoV'yacheslav DovghenkoOleksandr ІhnatushaYaroslav KucherenkoOleh MaslennіkovDasha LeheidaІhor PortyankoLilia RebrykDar'ya RibakLyubov TimoshevsykaVіktor SaraykіnDmitro SurghikovOlena UzlyukZaza ChanturіyaPavlo AvіlovPavlo AldoshinVolodimir ApostolyukNatalіya BabenkoSerhіy BabchukSergey VolyanovskyRoman ViskrebencevDmitro HavrilovArina HolovachVolodimir HoncharovDar'ya YehorkіnaOleksandr GhukOleksandr GhmucykiyYulіya ZarembaAnna ZvezdkіnaVіtalіy ІvanchenkoAndrіy KorghenivsykiySerhіy KiyashkoAndrіy KronhlevsykiyKostyantin KostishinBoris KnighenkoYurii KukharenkoRuslan NіkonenkoMarta LohachovaKostyantin LyubasVeronіka Luk'yanenkoSerhіy MalyuhaGlib MatsiboraDenys MartynovDanilo MіreshkіnVolodimir MovchanStanіslav MoskvіnAndrіy MuhіnArtem MyausYevhen PolyakovHeorhіy PovolocykiyOleksandr RudkoDmitro RudiyІvan StrighakovPavlo SuschenkoYevhen SoloshenkoArtur TarabіraAndrіy TіtovAlisa TunkevychAlex TritenkoHlіb TolstousovLarisa TroyanovsykaOlena HighnaTaras CimbalyukHennadii ShevchukDem'yan ShiyanVіktor SchurMikola HarchenkoAndrіy ChernyakRoman YasinovskyiOleksandr YaremaVolodimir Yamnenko
They are from different worlds. She is Natalia Korneeva, or as her parents call her, Dad, she grew up in an intelligent, wealthy family. He - Eugene Stryapkin, for his Zheka or "Stryap", a pupil of an orphanage, from birth forced to fight for his place under the sun. Dad is a student at the Academy of Arts, Zheka is a thief and a desperate adventurer. But this story is not a crime fighter or a detective. This is a love story. Real. One that does not happen to everyone even once in a lifetime. But they were lucky. They fell in love. And no luck. Because they were from different worlds. Dad's parents are doing everything to ruin their relationship. Zheka is followed by the police. He is arrested in front of his beloved. Will the trials of lovers that will befall them pass? Will they keep their feelings? You will learn about this very soon!
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