Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2018, series 4, ~44-45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 4.55%
Fraction 13.61%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Art Teritorіya
Directors Khrystyna Syvolap
Screenwriter Valerіya KolehaievaTetyana MalahovaVolodimir Skiba
Director of photography (DOP) Dmitro Yurіkov
Production Designer Yulіya Vasilenko
Composers Alex Chorny
Sound Directors Vіtalіy Baydіn
Film editor Volodimir Omelychenko
Сostume designer Іrina Tyulykіna
Makeup artists Olena Pazich
Second Director Marіya Petroghicyka
Casting director Vіktorіya Nesterenko
Producer Іhor Volkov (IV)Serhіy Baranov (II)
Executive Producers Olga Klymenko
Line Producers Valerіya NepiyuschaAnastasіya Danilenko
Leading actors Vіktorіya KlіnkovaStanіslav TіkunovOleksandr Sokolov
Supporting Actors Larissa RusnakІnna MіroshnichenkoSergey VolyanovskyOleksandr YaremaMarіya TrepіkovaNatalіya BabenkoІrina HolenkoViktor StepanenkoMaksim KruhlikLyudmila LetіchevsykaNatalіya VasykoOlena HohlatkіnaOleksandr Mironov (II)Natalіya NeshvaLeonіd ZaharchenkoIstan RozumnyOleh DrachNatalіya ShavkovaKhrystyna SyvolapVіktor KoshevenkoKaterina VayvalaOleksandra SobolievaGrigory Sirota
Creation year 2018
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 05 may 2020
Premiere in Ukraine 08 september 2018
The daughter of circus artists Martha has dedicated her life to sports. Her parents were adamantly against her working in the circus, so Martha pursued a career as a gymnast. Until one day she had to leave the sport because of a dishonest coach. And the girl makes a decision - she still realizes her childhood dream and becomes a circus artist. Circumstances help her in this. The trio of aerial gymnasts loses their partner: she is pregnant and cannot perform under the dome of the circus. A real struggle for Martha unfolds between gymnasts Max and Vlad. In addition, mother Vlada, who wants her son to go to Germany with his number, substitutes a girl. Will Marty manage to achieve her goal? ..
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