Format Film
Category Short animation
Genre Animation
Production company Kіnokompanіya 2016
Directors Oleh Fedchenko
Screenwriter Іhor Shurov
Production Designer Іllya Balikіn
Composers Vіtalіy Rozinko
Sound Directors Dmitro Hudov
Animators Volodimir CivіnsykiyOleh CherednіchenkoІllya BalikіnOleh FedchenkoValerіya LevenkoV'yacheslav LobasDmitro Lucenko
Producer Yulіya Radostіna
Creative Producers Natalіya Bughinecyka
Voice acting Serhіy SeverinІvan RozіnYevhen Maluha
Creation year 2021
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
World Premiere 05 september 2021
Premiere in Ukraine 05 september 2021
Budget ₴ 1 797 000
What is not happening in the world of sloans! Light bulbs stick out of the sky, cocoa grows on trees already in cups, chameleons fly at the speed of spaceships, records are released, in the evenings letters are written to aliens, and in his spare time symphonies in C major are invented. And all this under the supervision of the big and wise Nose, who pushes him into all the droplets. And he is right, because he invented all this…
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