Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company ESSE Prodakshn Haus
Distributor Arthaus Trafіk
Directors Katerina Hornostay
Screenwriter Katerina Hornostay
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Roshchyn
Production Designer Maksim Nіmenko
Composers Mar'yana Klochko
Sound Directors Oleh HolovyoshkіnMihaylo Zakutsykiy
Film editor Nіkon RomanchenkoKaterina Hornostay
Сostume designer Olena Hresy
Makeup artists Marіya Pіlunsyka
Second Director Denys Vorontsov
Producer Vіtalіy SheremetyievVika KhomenkoNatalia LibetOlha Beskhmelnytsina
Leading actors Mariia FedorchenkoArsenіy MarkovYana IsaienkoOleksandr Іvanov
Supporting Actors Nіna MakarchukDanіil HoroshavіnMarta DoleskoSolomiia SavchakOksana BabichDarina YurchishinYeva NahornaArtem SlyusarenkoІvan PerepechenkoMikita GhernosiekovRubіn AbuhatabAnton YeghovAndrіy AbalmazovSofіya YevmіnaOlena TolmachovaMarharita AstahovaLev ShurovNіka KrikunPolіna VoronaKaterina KozlovaAnastasіya KulychicykaOlesya OstrovsykaInna BelikovaSerhіy Derev'yankoDmitro YaroshenkoVіktorіya Kravchenko
Visual effects supervisors Mikola Kostomarov
Creation year 2021
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
World Premiere 01 march 2021
Premiere in Ukraine 19 august 2021
Rental in Ukraine with 20 january 2022
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 4 145 623
Spectators in cinemas 34272
An introverted high-school girl Masha sees herself as an outsider unless she hangs around with Yana and Senia who share her non-conformist status. While she is trying to navigate through an intense time of the pre-graduation year, Masha falls in love that forces her to leave her comfort zone.
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