Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Genre Melodrama
Production company Aleksandr-Fіlym
Directors Olena Medіa
Screenwriter Іrina PavlovaAnna Ulaieva
Director of photography (DOP) Іhor Hlinsykiy
Production Designer Dmitro Brovkіn
Composers Volodimir KurlovichOlyha Panyushkіna
Sound Directors Serhіy Tarasov (III)
Сostume designer Olena Dolmatova
Makeup artists Arina Buralkіna
Casting director Vіktorіya Ponomaryova
Producer Andrіy SemenovSvіtlana SnіtkoNatalіya Stribuk
Leading actors Yana KraynovaKostyantin StrelynikovMihaylo BohdasarovAnna PolupanovaVasily Kozlov
Supporting Actors Makar KravchenkoAnastasіya SolovyovaVіktorіya BurchicyZoya AntonovaYulіanna MіhnevichSerhіy MaslennіkovDmitro HurbanovichLarisa KarasіnaOlena StecenkoІnna SlonevsykaMikola BurbovsykiyOlyha Holubieva
Natasha Berezina is a young doctor, a cardiologist who has high hopes, already an excellent surgeon, without five minutes a candidate of sciences. But in Natasha's personal life everything is not so smooth. She divorces Max, with whom she met for two years, but family life did not work out. On the day of parting, Natasha faces even more stress: she learns that surgeon Anisimov, who was recently transferred to them from another hospital, operated on her patient during his night shift. Natasha has been preparing for this patient's operation for a long time, his case is exactly the topic of her candidacy. She does not believe that the patient suddenly became so ill at night that the operation did not wait until the morning, and believes that Anisimov took a patient from her to serve the management and get the position of head of the department. Natasha tries to seek justice with the help of colleagues, but to no avail: all the female staff of the clinic admires Anisimov, the only man free from marriage in the department. The conflict between Natasha and Anisimov seems unresolved… But suddenly everything changes, and everyone is already interested to know why Anisimov and Natasha turned from enemies into friends.
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