Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2021, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 3.58%
Fraction 11.36%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Intra Communications
Directors Maksim Meheda
Screenwriter Oleksandr Righov
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Onoprіienko
Production Designer Vіktorіya Bіhunova
Composers Maksim KoshevarovOleksandr Maiev
Sound Directors Oleksіy Mironchenko
Film editor Andrіy Trandіn
Сostume designer Svіtlana Kalashnik
Makeup artists Oksana Pіdoprihora
Second Director Yevhen Spіvak
Casting director Olena Prilіpko
Producer Serhіy DemidovІrina HorobecyVіktorіya KorohodІrina ChernyakNatalіya Stribuk
Leading actors Katerina TishkevichOleksandr SokolovVladislav NіkіtyukІnna MіroshnichenkoOlena YablochnaOleh Zamyatіn
Supporting Actors Alla MartinyukAnastasіya KotlyarOlena UzlyukSerhіy SipliviyNіna NіgheradzeFedіr HurinecyІllya PonomarenkoAnna RumikBoris HeorhіievsykiyNatalіya KlenіnaAndrіy VorobelyVolodimir HoncharovMarіya HrunіchevaAndrіy DghedghulaBohdan ZapshaLyudmila KuzymіnaMarina LyahAnna MikhaylichenkoІhor PetrusenkoEvgen RachokSerhіy SmeyanRoman SobolevsykiyYevhen SichovOleksіy CurkanVіtalіy Chelkanov
"Se la vi" is said when nothing can be done, and all that remains is to accept fate and accept life as it is. Snizhana Sobolev has a strong character and is not going to put up with the blows of fate. But she has to make a choice that will have a serious impact on the future lives of her and her loved ones. Having started on a difficult path, she does not know what awaits her in the finale personal happiness or another disappointment.
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