Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2021, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 4.77%
Fraction 15.26%
Genre Drama
Production company FіlymstrіmVileton Films
Directors Yevhen Baranov
Screenwriter Yurіy Neniev
Director of photography (DOP) Vasiliy SikachinsykiyVitalii Zaporozhchenko
Production Designer Andrіy Bur'yanenko
Composers Vladlen Pupkov
Sound Directors Vіtalіy Sіlenko
Film editor Anton Kononyuk
Сostume designer Ruslan Hvastov
Makeup artists Anna Timofeieva
Second Director Yulіya Smichkova
Casting director Sabіna Bahlay
Producer Vіktorіya KorohodNataliia StrybukVіtalіy SіrenkoІrina FranchukІrina Chernyak
Leading actors Anna VasylievaOleksandr NaumovOleksandr VedmensykiyArtemіy YehorovNatalіya Klenіna
Supporting Actors Vіra KobzarMarharita LapіnaYevheniia MiakenkaAnna AbramyonokNіna KastorfVіktorіya VarleyViacheslav VasyliukVolodimir HoncharovKaterina VishnevaMatvіy BohdanovAlla MartinyukPetro BoykoAnatolіy HolubovsykiyAndrіy Hur'yanenkoAnastasiia OleksandrukJulia GapchukErik AbramovychOlena Bohdan
The main character, who survived her husband's death, returns to normal life. However, fate prepared her for new trials.
After a long mourning, Katya was still able to take matters into her own hands. She takes care of the children's boarding school and takes care of the girl Lisa. Kirill, the director of the boarding school, is in love with the girl, and she reciprocates.
But immediately Katya's life turns into a nightmare. As a result of the accident, due to an injury, she loses her memory, forgets both Kirill and Lisa, and next to her suddenly appears a certain Artem, who assures that they have long loved each other, engaged and preparing for the wedding. Did Katya lead a double life before that and deceive Kirill?
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