Come in – do not be afraid, come out – do not roar!
87 minutes - Ukraine, Russia - 2008
Status Completed
Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Production company Star Media4K
Directors Roman Barabash
Screenwriter Mikola RibalkaVolodimir Ghovnoruk
Director of photography (DOP) Volodimir Іvanov (II)
Production Designer Vіktor Buchkovsykiy
Composers Oleksіy LavrinenkoAndrіy Mіshin (II)
Sound Directors Yehor Іrodov
Film editor Oleksіy Shkіndely
Сostume designer Natalіya Holub
Makeup artists Tetyana Plyuta
Second Director Dmitro Abolmasov
Operator Oleksandr Onoprіienko
Casting director Natalіya Borovih
Producer Edward IevtushenkoTerentiev TerentievVladyslav Riashyn
Leading actors Lyanka HriuAnghelіka VolysykaDmitro LalienkovMihaylo BohdasarovOleksandr BashirovNіna AntonovaAndrіy NahornovAndrіy Sokolov (II)
Supporting Actors Oleksandr FurtasValerіy KonechniyVolodimir Pavelyko
Does not bark, does not bite but does not let enter a house. This riddle is about a usual lock. But there are locks that let in but do not let out. A business woman’s has such a lock in her apartment. It was broken and it was impossible to unlock it from inside. Once on the New Year’s Eve someone secretly got into a house. It was Stella’s lover, ex-husband and her colleague. Each of them sneaked into the house with their own interests and was locked but they managed to free themselves from the burden and happily celebrate the New Year.
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