Format TV series
Серій 16
Хронометраж 45 хвилин
TV channel Україна
Rating 8.54%
Fraction 24.31%
Genre Melodrama
Production company FіlymstrіmVileton Films
Directors Roman Barabash
Screenwriter Marina Lacis
Director of photography (DOP) Anton Verbіn
Production Designer Yulіya Balan
Composers andrii ponomarov
Film editor Vіktor Pohorielov
Сostume designer Іrina Ghurakіvsyka
Makeup artists Hanna Vakacіienko
Second Director Valerii Kryzhanovskyi
Casting director Yulіya Іoffe
Producer Yevhen LyaschenkoVіktorіya KorohodNataliia StrybukVіtalіy Sіrenko
Executive Producers Іrina Franchuk
Leading actors Marіya KulikovaVіtalіy KudryavcevTetyana KolhanovaOleksandr ArsentyievOleksandr YackoHanna SahaydachnaSerhii KozlovVіktorіya LevchenkoOleksіy ZahorodnіyDasha LeheidaLeonіd Hromov
Supporting Actors Vladislav NіkіtyukPolіna VasilinaAnastasіya CimbalaruOleh ScherbinaSerhіy PonomarenkoTetyana RughavsykaOlyha RadchukVolodimir TereschukDmitro OskіnBorislav BorisenkoVladislav PisarenkoYurіy FelіpenkoKostyantin DanilyukOksana ArhanhelysykaYulіya ShuharMarіya TrepіkovaNatalіya KorecykaVladislav MamchurOlena Bondarieva-RiepіnaDarina PanasenkoOleh MaslennіkovNatalіya BabenkoStanіslav BghezinsykiyHanna KuzinaHalina KornieievaVіktor SaraykіnYevhen YefremovVolodimir MovchanNіna NabokaTetyana PechenkіnaDar'ya RibakTamara YacenkoOleksandr HannochenkoІhor HniezdіlovNadіya KozlenkoLyubov TimoshevsykaVolodimir YamnenkoAlla SerhiikoDmitro UsovDar'ya SherstnyovaYulіya PershutaІrina RoghdestvensykaOleh ZamyatіnTimur AslanovAnisiia StasevychMikola ButkovsykiyYurіy Yakovliev-SuhanovAndrіy TіtovRuslan NіkonenkoTetyana YurіkovaOlena Zavhorodnya (Kolesnichenko)Іhor RubashkіnOleksandr OnufrіievYevheniia MiakenkaOleksandra BohdanovichVіtalіy ChelkanovStanіslav SchokіnSerhіy EnenberhIryna BardakovaІnha NahornaOlyha KohutNatalya TsyganenkoPolina NosykhinaVolodymyr ZakharchenkoSerhіy Ponomarenko (II)Anton YeghovBoris HeorhіievsykiyKateryna Sary-YurievaValerіya HulyaievaMarina AnіsovichStanіslav Moskvіn
Casting Managers Sabіna Bahlay
Creation year 2018
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
World Premiere 03 june 2019
Premiere in Ukraine 03 december 2018
The beautiful Angelina likes family business, but her fiancé Pavlo Korostylov persuades her to give up witchcraft for the sake of their common future. Angelina's stubbornness and the intrigues of her rival Inga Dumanova, who is in love with Pavel, do their job. Angelina and Paul divorce. He marries Inga, and the young couple gives birth to twin boys.
Three years later, trouble comes to the house of the Korostylevs. Both children have diphtheria, and there is no way to get to the hospital. Heartbroken, Korostylov begs Angelina to save the children. However, one of the kids suffocates. Mad with grief, Inga accuses Angelina of premeditated murder out of jealousy, and angry fellow villagers commit genocide against the "witch Angelina".
Twenty years later, young Sofia Koltsova and Igor Korostylov meet. They are young, successful and happily in love - but the shadow between them is the crime of the past and the deadly enmity of two families - Korostylev and Koltsov.
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