Format TV series
Серій 4
Хронометраж 51 хвилин
TV channel ICTV
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre DramaWarAction movie
Production company Pro-TV ProdakshnVіktorіya-Unіversal Prodakshn
Directors Vitalii Vashchenko
Screenwriter Іhor MelynichukIgor Semetski
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Klimenko (II)
Production Designer Vіtalіy Shamatіienko
Composers Pavlo KrahmalyovІhor Melynichuk
Sound Directors Daniil KryukovDmitro HorpinichSerhii Kostiuchenko
Film editor Oleksandr Mayboroda
Сostume designer Tetyana Lavrova
Makeup artists Tetyana Samko
Second Director Asya Smakova
Operator Mikola Yavorsykiy
Casting director Snighana Skorohod
Producer Vіktor PrihodykoArtem Prihodyko
Leading actors Oleksandr SokolovsykiyOleksandra EpshteynRuslan SasіnAnatolіy KotAndrіy MostrenkoVolodimir HladkiyDasha PlahtiyVeronika ShostakKostyantin Oktyabrsykiy
Supporting Actors Stanіslav SchokіnYevhen DіdenkoІvan VlasenkoOleh ObuhovsykiyYurіy SolonіnkoAndrіy ValensykiyMaksym KuzmenkoSerhіy PolyakovKostyantin DobrovolysykiyYevhen KonorievVіktor DanilyukAnhelіna SimonovaMihaylo SchehlіnsykiyMikita PlyutoPavlo Dovhany-LevicykiyDenis ShacykiyDenys DrachevskyiOleh TernovsykiyVadim KucenokPavlo DrakіnOleksandr BodnarSerhіy FіlonenkoArtur AramyanMaksim DanyshinRuslan YaroshenkoStanіslav SkakunLeonіd ZaharchenkoYaroslav HerusSerhii KozlovVіtalіy Derev'yanchukDmitro UsovEvgen RachokAleksei Ageev
Creation year 2018
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 09 may 2018
Premiere in Ukraine 09 may 2018
Experienced Soviet pilot Andrei Perevezyev took part in an air battle and shot down three German planes. In battle, Andrew's plane is shot down, but he manages to reach it to the nearest forest. Despite the injury, the pilot was able to neutralize the three soldiers sent after him and took the "tongue" with which he planned to return to the unit. But in the car in which the Nazis arrived, he suddenly finds a captured Russian journalist Benjamin. Together with the latter, they try to break into a small hospital hidden in the woods. But the men do not know that the camp with the hospital has already been discovered by German spies and is under fire. Now Andriy needs to take the wounded and medics out of the environment and survive on his own.
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