Format TV series
Серій 4
Хронометраж 48 хвилин
TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Armada Fіlmz
Directors Yevhen Solohalov
Screenwriter Rauf Kubaiev
Director of photography (DOP) Oleh Suvorov
Production Designer Artem Karvan
Sound Directors V'yacheslav Shtefan
Film editor Іhor Matvieiev
Сostume designer Yevhen Yanіna
Makeup artists Hanna Vakacіienko
Second Director Yevhen Spіvak
Operator Vіktor BelevcovSerhіy Melynichuk
Casting director Іrina Nenahova
Producer Valentin Opaliev
Executive Producers Svіtlana Karvan
Leading actors Marіya KulikovaMelania VolotovskaVіtalіy KudryavcevIrina NovakMihaylo HіmіchevEduard FlyorovOleksіy SaharovBohdan Builuk
Supporting Actors Mikita SlobodenyukRuslan HofurovOlyha RadchukMikola BitcykOleh VenherKarolіna PampuhaMarina MelyyanovsykaAndrii DebrinRoman PolyakovІrina RoghdestvensykaTetyana MalkovaArsen BosenkoRumіly HabіbulinDmitro Paleiev-BarmansykiyAndrіy VoloshinNazar BorushokOleksandr HalafutnіkTetyana ArtemovaVolodimir SitnikAlla MartinyukOlena LarіnaSerhіy HirichIgor GusachenkoMarіya KochurOlena SvetlitskayaVolodimir HohlovDmitro BulkotVyacheslav Shehovcov
Creation year 2019
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 05 october 2020
Premiere in Ukraine 07 december 2019
A beautiful and successful woman named Natalia suddenly loses almost everything: her husband Oleg, the respect of her daughter Nastya, career, happiness, hope for the future. The family's best friend, a business partner, turns out to be an insidious enemy who framed Oleg. Wealth is lost, Oleg dies, daughter Nastya can not forgive Natalia suddenly lost family happiness. And only the iron will of the heroine, her sincere desire to improve life and punish the guilty will help justice to prevail.
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