Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2019, series 4, ~46 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company FіlymstrіmVileton Films
Directors Vadim Savvіiev
Screenwriter Yurіy Nenev
Director of photography (DOP) Vasiliy Sikachinsykiy
Production Designer Larisa GhilkoSerhіy Todosіienko
Composers Maksim KoshevarovSerhіy Zikov
Sound Directors Tetyana YerzovaAnton ShatrovKirilo Sharapov
Film editor Alyona Kuznecova
Сostume designer Yevhenіya LopatіnaPolіna MoiseienkovaKaterina Litvinova
Casting director Oleksandra HershevichIaroslava Ievtushenko
Producer Vіtalіy SіrenkoRoman KovalyovOleksandr Kushaiev
Leading actors Olena Polyansyka Vіktorіya KlіnkovaOleksandr SokolovsykiyOlena StefansykaOleksandr HetmanskyiKostyantin KorecykiyOleksandr KobzarAndrіy MostrenkoMikola Butkovsykiy
Supporting Actors Aleks StepanenkoOlesia GaiovaSergey ShlyahtyukVіtalіy ІvanchenkoMyroslava FilipovychJulia GapchukMariya KhomutovaІrina AvdieienkoTetyana YurіkovaKaterina MarchenkoYana LyahovichDmytro OliinykOlyha Fedyanіna
Creation year 2019
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 08 march 2019
Premiere in Ukraine 08 march 2019
Sad events unfold in a small provincial village. It all starts with a chic wedding celebration. The young girl, always dreaming of a good family, is glad to have a worthy companion in her life. She could not refuse his offer. The loud celebration was over, and the lovers set about making plans for the future. But fate intervened. The man became a participant in a serious event, due to which he fell into a serious helpless state. He was connected to life support devices. Doctors made a disappointing diagnosis. They are sure of the patient's hopelessness. Experts can not achieve the slightest positive dynamics. To save the marriage, the woman follows all the prescriptions of doctors. The news of her husband's lifelong disability finally shatters hopes. Tired of constant frustration, she files for divorce and leaves the guy alone. The only one who comes to his aid is young Nina. Without leaving her sister's ex-husband in trouble, the beauty continues to take care of him and show all sorts of signs of attention. A man's heart is now free, so it is sure to find a place for a caring companion.
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