Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2019, series 12, ~48 minutes, TV channel СТБ
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Production company FILM.UA GroupIntra Communications
Directors Volodymyr Melnychenko
Screenwriter Іhor Aheiev
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksіy Cvіlodub
Production Designer Andrіy Hrechishkіn
Composers Maksim KoshevarovOleksandr Maiev
Sound Directors Mihaylo NaskalyniyОлександр Осадчий (III)
Film editor Oleksandr Sukhov
Сostume designer Svіtlana Kalashnik
Makeup artists Tetyana Plyuta
Second Director Lyudmila Derіha
Casting director Yana Bernadsyka
Producer Marіya AlekseievaSerhіy KarataievVіktor MirsykiyVіktor UmnovLeonard Yanovsykiy
Executive Producers Serhіy Demidov
Leading actors Olena RadevichAnton BatirievKirilo GhandarovSergey DengaSerhіy Derev'yankoOleksandr YaremaKostyantin Oktyabrsykiy
Supporting Actors Іrina AvdieienkoSvіtlana ZelybetVolodimir ІvanovYevhen KovirzanovAnastasіya RulaValentina AnіstratenkoValerіy AntonyukOleksandr BodnarOksana BorbatKaterina BraykovsykaNatalіya VasykoDmitro VіkulovІvan VlasenkoSergey VolyanovskyTetyana VorobyovaІhor HniezdіlovVolodimir HoncharovYevhenіy Hrihor'ievYevhenіy HudzySergii DzialykMihaylo GhonіnLeonіd ZaharchenkoOleh KapustіnOleksandr KatunіnSerhіy KiyashkoSofіya KovalyovaRuslan KovalKostyantin KorecykiyKristіna KorshikovaSerhіy KucheraVolodymyr LiashevskyiRuslan MiroshnychenkoVictoria MushteyFіlіp NіgheradzeRuslan NіkonenkoValerіy PasіchnikDenis PasiechniyVolodimir PіterovSerhіy PopovOleh PrimohenovPavlo PuhachovEvgen RachokOleksіy RozenIhor SalimonovOlena SvetlitskayaYevhen TopchіyDmytro TurkevychDmitro UsovOleksіy CurkanVіtalіy ChelkanovOleksіy CherevatenkoHrihorіy CheremushevDenis ShevchenkoKarina Shereverova
Since childhood, Anna Sevastyanova had a gift of foresight. As she grew up, the gift went away, but unexpectedly returned twenty years later.
Anna saw the killer murdering her fiance, Alexander Atapin. She found out the day and the time when this will happen. Anna has only 12 days left before the fateful hour. Shortly after Anna’s vision, her fiancé Atapin is accused of transporting a large shipment of drugs. Alexander is on the run. A real hunt begins after him.
Anna does not believe that her beloved is guilty, but realizes with horror that her vision begins to come true. She asks her stepbrother, policeman Alexey Popov, to help her. He introduces her to the psychologist Boris Salsky. From him, Anna learns that the future cannot be changed, but it is possible to change its concept. Anna is trying to save Alexander with the help of her gift, but she herself falls into the trap...
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