Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Production company Avrora ProdakshnPanoptіkum
Directors Vіra Yakovenko
Screenwriter Katerina LatanovaYurіy TimoshenkovAlіna SemeryakovaVіra Yakovenko
Director of photography (DOP) Pavlo Kazaniev
Production Designer Volodimir Yaroslavsykiy
Composers Dmitro Shurov
Sound Directors Oleh Kulychicykiy
Film editor Maksim Vasyanovich
Сostume designer Oksana Tіmonіna
Second Director Yanina Kucher
Operator Volodimir Pastuh
Producer Serhіy Stepanenko (III)
Executive Producers Serhіy Baranov (II)
Line Producers Maksim Matveiev (II)Yaroslav Verbinenko
Leading actors Zamіra KolhіievaOstap StupkaYevhen SidіhіnStanіslav BoklanSvіtlana OrlіchenkoNatalіya LukeichevaKostyantin ІsaievArmen HrihoryanVіtalіy Yehorov
Supporting Actors Halina DavidovaVіtalіy ІvanchenkoNіna NіgheradzeGeorgiy DrozdYulіya AnanyievaVіra Mazur-ZіnievichVіtalіy SalіyOleksіy PustovіtKaterina KіstenyKristіna HighnyakYaroslav MisіvKarlos TerreroMiroslav ProcMihaylo KukuyukOleksandr DanilevichІvan DornІrina SkripnikovaRadmіla SchoholievaAlla KonovalOleksandra NaumovaKaterina KovalenkoTetyana PechenkіnaOleksandr LyovushkіnTetyana TrunovaAndrіy Sokolov
The main character is a young girl Masha, a bank employee and an incorrigible romantic. Her unhappy marriage breaks up, and the girl tries to arrange her personal life. Masha meets three men. One is a famous TV presenter, the second is a famous musician, and the third is a scandalous politician. But ... disappointment follows disappointment. And as soon as the girl decides to start a new life, suddenly happiness comes into her life in the person of the long-awaited man she was looking for ...
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