Format TV series
Серій 4
Хронометраж 45 хвилин
TV channel Україна
Rating 7.83%
Fraction 21.94%
Genre Melodrama
Production company FіlymstrіmVileton Films
Directors Serhіy Borchukov
Screenwriter Ksenіya Osadchenko
Director of photography (DOP) Vasiliy Sikachinsykiy
Production Designer Anna Dіtrіh
Composers Vladlen Pupkov
Sound Directors Ihor KazmirchukSerhіy Matvіienko
Film editor Anton Kononyuk
Сostume designer Katerina Litvinova
Makeup artists Tetyana Zaharchenko
Second Director Yana Lyahovich
Casting director Oryna Petrova
Producer Vіktorіya KorohodNataliia StrybukVіtalіy Sіrenko
Executive Producers Ella BoblenyukAndrіy Tanabash
Leading actors Іrina TarannikElydar LebedievKirilo DicevichYelizaveta ZaycevaІnna MіroshnichenkoSvіtlana OrlіchenkoKsenіya NіkolaievaYefrosinіya Melynik
Supporting Actors Serhіy BereghkoAntonina KhyzhniakMarіya KrushinsykaKristіna MelynichenkoErіka HavrilyukІrina RoghdestvensykaNatalіya YefremovaAnatoly Fon-FіlandraOleksandr KraskoHeorhіy ZahorulykoSerhіy KisіlyAnton PilipeychenkoMihaylo OzerovOryna PetrovaTetyana YurіkovaOleh VlasovKudryavtseva ElenaOlya PasichnykAmelіya HavrilyukVolodimir KochuraDіana KuzymіnovaAndrіy TanabashSandro MateushVіktor YaroshevsykiyMar'yana PanykіnaAnatolіy AslanovOleksіy KarchevsykiyAmelіya BaharievaNіkoly NiemchikAnton YeghovStanіslav YeghovSerhіy Lіpchenko
This is a story about happy Rita and Artem, who will soon be married. However, the young man's ex-girlfriend starts harassing and threatening his bride, as a result of which she loses her sight. Abandoned by her fiancé, Rita is left alone, but with the appearance of Sergei in her life, everything changes. Eventually, the friendship grows into love, love into a happy marriage and the birth of a daughter. However, Rita does not know that Sergei is involved in the story of the attack on her. What will happen if one day Rita returns to sight? Will Serhiy prevent this by ruining his wife's dream of seeing him again?
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