Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2020, series 16, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 5.64%
Fraction 18.86%
Production company FILM.UA Group
Directors Alіna ChebotaryovaOksana Taranenko
Screenwriter Oleh PrihodykoNatalіya RoschinaOlyha YacenkoOlena Lіpkan
Director of photography (DOP) Kostyantin Vorobyov (III)Maksim Baiev
Production Designer Tetyana Laptieva-Kondratova
Sound Directors V'yacheslav Borodavka
Сostume designer Olena Mіroshnichenko (II)
Makeup artists Anna Mіnenko
Second Director Natalіya BezpalaKaterina Kotomenko
Producer Vіktor MirsykiyOlena MalkovaYurіy Morozov
Executive Producers Anna Skok
Leading actors Yevhenіya SerebrennіkovaPetro NesterovProhor DubravіnVіra KobzarSerhіy Korshikov
Supporting Actors Yelizar NazarenkoAlіsa Hur'ievaAlesya RomanovaPavlo VishnyakovOleksandr Mironov (II)Ksenіya NіkolaievaValerіy LehіnSlava KrasovskaVolodymyr KovbelKatarina ShenfeldAntonina MakarchukArtem KalychenkoSerhіy KisіlyAlice (Alisa) VoznesenskaTetyana MalkovaLada BrіkNatalia SmirnovaDanіl ShevchenkoVeronіka MіshaievaІrina TamіmRuslan KovalYevhen OliinykYekateryna Svyrydenko
Lada Koshkina in the recent past – a police investigator, then – a security guard, and now – a successful private detective. Each film is a separate detective-family story in which the main character helps her clients to get out of difficult criminal and life circumstances. At the same time, Koshkina has a personal life – rich and confusing.
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