
Ukraine - 2019

Status Completed

No trailer

Format TV series

Number of seasons 1

Season 1, рік 2020, series 4, ~50 minutes, TV channel Україна

Rating 0%

Fraction 0%

Genre Melodrama

Production company Mamas Fіlym Prodakshn

Directors Dmitro Matov

Screenwriter Natalіya KoynovaIevgeniia Savychenko

Director of photography (DOP) Serhіy Ryabecy

Production Designer Dmitro Ghmurko

Composers Maria KhmelovaKyrylo Borodin

Sound Directors Oleksіy TarasenkoYehor Іrodov

Film editor Sashko Sviatskyi (Oleksandr Oduvanchіkov)

Makeup artists Marharita Moyseienko

Second Director Mіla Rodіna

Operator Іvan Borodіn

Casting director Svіtlana Horoshkova

Producer Alla LipovecykaMarina KvasovaNataliia StrybukVіktorіya Korohod

Executive Producers Marіya Semenova

Line Producers Yurіy Yacko

Leading actors Sergey DengaYefrosinіya MelynikKsenіya MіshinaOlesya VlasovaDanilo Mіreshkіn

Supporting Actors Shorena ShonіyaLyudmila ZahorsykaІhor PortyankoІhor ZahorsykiyAlla SokolovaValentina HrishokіnaSerhіy BulіnYevhen YefremovOleh KuzіnVіktorіia Bіlan-RashchukSerhіy MіlyaievVladislav PisarenkoYurіy Yakovliev-SuhanovOleksandr BezverhiyKseniia DanilovaOlena RechichViacheslav VasyliukTetyana PavlyuhKostyantin ShaforenkoІnna MіroshnichenkoOleksіy CurkanSvyatoslav TarasovKaterina SavenkovaMihaylo KukuyukDarina PanasenkoOlena TurbalAnastasiia GyrenkovaSerhіy KorshikovGeorgy ZhukovIryna BardakovaTetyana MedvedievaNatalіya KlenіnaYevheniia MiakenkaSofіya KlemchinovaOlena Bondarieva-RiepіnaRoman RavicykiyYaroslav ShahtorіnValerіya BoycovaIstan RozumnyAnna PetrashValentin KasyyanValerіy StohnіyYurіi TeteSerhіy UlashevVolodimir RaievsykiyAlyona Alimova

Creation year 2019

Country Ukraine

Language Russian

World Premiere 22 september 2019

Premiere in Ukraine 22 september 2019

The famous metropolitan neurosurgeon Andriy Donin does not allow anyone to disrupt the usual way of his established, elegantly arranged life. Even for the beautiful bride Rita there is no exception. She has to find out from which cup Andrew drinks coffee, and in what order the memorable owls are placed on his shelf. Donina is a little over 50, but he looks great, slender, fit, runs in the morning and is not going to grow old. Suddenly - like a real toss thrown under the door - a little girl Alya bursts into his measured life and turns everything upside down. With his appearance and childlike spontaneity, Alya makes it clear to an adult, successful doctor that his life, though beautiful, is not so right, not so happy, and there is a lot missing in it.

Movie shots

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