Format TV series
Серій 4
Хронометраж 52 хвилин
TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Kiivtelefіlym
Directors Vіktor Konіsevich
Screenwriter Kіra Hudoliey
Director of photography (DOP) Artem Koziriev
Production Designer Oleksandr Ukolov
Sound Directors Yehor Іrodov
Film editor Natalіya Dobrovolysyka
Сostume designer Tetyana Zubarieva (II)
Makeup artists Іrina Boycova
Second Director Іllya Trifonov
Operator Mikola KrighanіvsykiyStanіslav Tkachov
Casting director Іrina Nenahova
Producer Valentin Opaliev
Executive Producers Pavlo Karvan
Line Producers Artem Sulіha
Leading actors Alіna LanіnaOleksandr PashkovOlena VelіkanovaYevhen VolovenkoMarina VolkovaSerhіy Veksler
Supporting Actors Oleksandr MohovVіktor KonіsevichOlena KrughilіnaAnna PetrashZoya BaranovskaІrina Kalashnіkova (Melnyk)Katerina BashkіnaVolodimir KanіvecyTetyana ShelіhaVladislav RomanіchenkoTetyana BlaschukViacheslav StasenkoYurіi TeteІhor RubashkіnBoris KnighenkoMikita SlobodenyukOleh VoronykoNіkoly NiemchikV'yacheslav StanіshevsykiyDmitro Paleiev-BarmansykiyVolodymyr LiashevskyiYuliya ZagornaNicolas KiyYurii KukharenkoEduard DzhafarovLarysa Semyrozumenko
Everything is good in Darina's family: her beloved husband, a growing son, plans to buy a new house. But suddenly trouble comes: her husband, Semyon, gets involved in a scam in the hope of making easy and quick money. But this leads to complete ruin, now the family has excessive debts. Daria's friend, Masha, offers an easy way to get money: surrogacy.
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