Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2020, series 40, ~45 minutes, TV channel ICTV
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Detective
Production company Unіversal ProdakshnPro-TV Prodakshn
Directors Oleksandr SalynikovVіtalіy VaschenkoArtem TіtieievIgor Shkurin (II)V'yacheslav Alyoshechkіn
Screenwriter Vіktor PrihodykoArtem KobzanMikola SorokaAndrii VyshtakOleksandr Vaghin
Producer Artem PrihodykoVіktor Prihodyko
Leading actors Anatolіy KotenievVadim CallatіDar'ya YehorkіnaAndrіy FedіnchikVladislav NіkіtyukOleksandr PopovAnton SoloveiArsen Bosenko
Supporting Actors Vladlena MarchakVeronіka MіshaievaIvan VoronyiRoman ViskrebencevValentin KasyyanVolodymyr MelnykAsya KiselovaAlina KostyukovaAlbina HoncharKaren VardanyanLiliia KozubKaterina SavenkovaNicolas KiyAnghelіka OnіschukMіla RimaryValerіy SkovronsykiyAleksandr PolovetsLeonid HoncharRimma TishkevichAndrii DebrinDanilo MіreshkіnAnastasіya SalataBohdan RubanElina YukovaSerhіy AnashkіnV'yacheslav YevtushenkoSerhii KozlovMariia AglotkovaVіktor SchurOlena KrughilіnaVladyslav DmytrenkoAndrii RomankovNikita NazarenkoOlena LarіnaOleksandr RudenkoOleksandr OnufrіievAnastasia DemianenkoAnastasiia OleksandrukVasyl ZvierievRuslan KovalAlina ChekhSvetlana bevzIlya ProkopivYurіy KarabakOleh VenherMaksim PanykіvOleh ScherbinaSerhіy KisіlyІhor LisyukLesya LіfantіyVolodymyr BarabanovYevheniia NechyporenkoSerhіy BereghkoVsevolod ShekіtaSergey VolyanovskyYevhen OlіynikOlga KiiashkoSergey ShadrinVolodymyr Antonov
The series from the creators of the cult series Dog and Department 44 tells about the work of a fictional special department for the detection of particularly complex crimes. The main difference between this department and others is that crimes are revealed on the first day after the crime is committed. Among experts one stands out – Nechaev. He has incredible detective abilities ... and has an incredibly bad character. That's why the Department can't do without him ... But working with him is unbearable!
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