Format Film
Category Short documentary
Genre Documentary
Production company Nacіonalyna telekompanіya Ukraini
Directors Olena Hmirova
Screenwriter Maksim YaremenkoSerhіy HolovaschenkoOlena Hmirova
Sound Directors Natalіya Varnavsyka
Film editor Andrіy BurenkoYurіy SpіvakPavlo Zolotar
Operator Stepan YurchenkoOleksandr VoytenkoVolodimir TarhonsykiyІhor Boyko (II)
Even if we study the life of Hryhoriy Skovoroda in the smallest detail, it will still remain a mystery to us… Probably because his thoughts still live in many dimensions.
The variety of different interpretations of his life and work reaches more than five thousand explorations… Hryhoriy Skovoroda is always wanted by someone either in the national or religious sense. Protestants and Freemasons, atheists and anti-clericals, mystics and even hippies call him.
The film tries to find answers to the question: What was Hryhoriy Savych really like? Why did the philosopher flee from the world? And from what world did he flee?
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