
Ukraine - 2017

Status Completed

Format TV series

Number of seasons 2

Season 1, рік 2018, series 32, ~30 minutes, TV channel НЛО TV
Season 2, рік 2018, series 33, ~30 minutes, TV channel НЛО TV

Rating 0%

Fraction 0%

Genre Ситком

Production company Mamahohotala

Directors Natalіya Pasenicyka

Screenwriter Denis HolishevSerhіy HachkoHrihorіy PodolysykiyOleksіy VoznyukDmitro AndrіienkoOleksandr RazbeykovRoman HrischukІvan MelashenkoOleksіy RevaІhor RevaAnton MihalyArtur HubkaStepan OlіynikYevhen BuhrovBekіr MamedіievYevhenіy Novoselecykiy

Director of photography (DOP) Dmitro OksamitniyRoman Nighnik

Production Designer Volodimir Pavlyuh

Composers Oleksandr Tischenko (II)

Sound Directors Bohdan Barakovsykih

Film editor Oleksіy MakohonchukOleksіy HromikoAnatolіy Kovalik

Сostume designer Andrіy YaremіyNatalіya Stepanieieva

Makeup artists Olyha Boychenko

Casting director Svіtlana Horoshkova

Producer Іvan BukreievPavlo Pozdnyakov

Leading actors Yevhen YanovichOleh MaslyukNastia KorolSerine SіanosyanSandro MateushVіktor StoroghenkoAlіsa TunkevichNadіya KondratovsykaІhor PortyankoYurіy HromoviyZaza ChanturіyaOlesia GaiovaMartіn FіldmanHanna HresyVolodimir KravchukOleksandr Yarema

Supporting Actors Bohdan GhdanovPavlo LiNatalіya BabenkoAlla SokolovaDmitro OskіnAnastasіya OvsіienkoKostyantin DanilyukDarina PanasenkoHristina KiselyovaAnatolіy ZіnovenkoVіktorіya HmelynicykaVіtalіy AghnovDmytro TurkevychRuslan HanumakRuslan NіkonenkoOleksіy MaciborkaMarina LebіdyTaras CimbalyukYaroslav HerusOleksandr PopovІnna PrihodykoOleksіy SolomkoKiril DudchenkoІnna Ulyyanich

Creation year 2017

Country Ukraine

Language Ukrainian

Premiere in Ukraine 05 march 2018

1 season

Due to the threat of expulsion from the university, students Tim Abramchuk and Bohdan Masliuk have to become curators for foreign students. At first, Tim does not want to do this at all, but later he meets a foreigner Emilia and immediately changes his mind. At the same time, other storylines begin to develop: student Obi's attempts to start a relationship with her neighbor Tamara, as well as conflicts between Tamara and her father.

Season 2

Tim starts dating a new girl, Julia, and Amy realizes that she is not indifferent to him. Meanwhile, Obi and Tamara, who have already started dating, have to go through a difficult period of relationship, and at the same time "Deputy. dean's office "begins to use increasingly radical attempts to remove the dean from his post.

Movie shots

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