Format Film
Category Full-length documentary
Genre Experimental
Production company Іnspіreyshn FіlmzJolly Roger Filmmaking
Directors Oleksandr Balahura
Screenwriter Oleksandr BalahuraSvіtlana Zіnov'ieva
Director of photography (DOP) Volodimir Huievsykiy
Sound Directors Borys Peter
Film editor Oleksandr Balahura
Producer Svіtlana Zіnov'ieva
Leading actors Oleksandr BabakOleksandr BalahuraKarl-Dietrich BühlerOleksandr ChekmenievMіlena Dombrovsyka
Supporting Actors Yuhim KofmanPolіna KelymDavide MarinoPolіna MoshensykaMarco NicodemoYevhen PavlovTetyana PavlovaMikola PopelyuhaAlla SamoylenkoMassimo SannelliAlіna SpyaschaSvіtlana Zіnov'ievaAnastasіya Kirieieva
The exposure time is the lifetime of the subject in the frame. And in this sense, any photograph is not only a two-dimensional graphic composition, it also has a third - time dimension, time depth. Is a carrier, a storehouse of time. So, memory… Whose memory? .. Face, object, landscape left in the picture? .. The photographer himself? .. Choosing a photo for the material of the film, the theme of which is memory, we inevitably find ourselves in a maze. "Others" and their memories, "others" and their time… And in search of a way out we become part of this maze and the material of our own film.
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