Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Comedy
Production company Quarter 95 StudioProdyuserskiy centr «Horad»
Distributor Ukrainian Film Distribution
Directors David DodsonOleksandr Malyarevsykiy
Screenwriter Mihaylo SavіnYurіy KostyukDmitro HrihorenkoYurіy MikulenkoTimofіy SaienkoVolodimir ZelensykiyBoris ShefіrSerhіy ShefіrAndrіy Yakovliev (II)
Director of photography (DOP) Bruce Alan Greene
Production Designer Volodimir Rodіmov
Sound Directors Yevhen Slivchenko
Film editor David Dodson
Сostume designer Anastasіya Nefyodova
Makeup artists Kateryna Dehtiarova
Producer Volodimir ZelensykiyKaterina HordecykaAndrіy RadykoVadim ShushanyancBoris ShefіrAndrіy Yakovliev (II)Serhіy Shefіr
Executive Producers Yurhіs Vaysberh
Leading actors Oksana AkіnyshinaVolodimir ZelensykiyDenis NіkіforovKaterina VarnavaSvіtlana HodchenkovaYevhen Koshoviy
Supporting Actors Yevhen KoshoviySabіna AhmedovaOlesya GheleznyakVіktor VasilyievMarіya KravcovaVіktorіya BonyaІhor GhighikіnІlydar AllabіrdіnMarіya PetrovsykaSasha MalyarevsykiyBoris ShevchenkoNatalіya ІohvіdovaSvіtlana TіnІrina LazarievaOlena KondulaynenOleksandr HlіnsykiyAndrіy SchukіnSerhіy BarkovsykiyOlena MuravyovaKostyantin NakonechniyVіktor BabichAnton BatirievЮрій Нікулін (II)Kostyantin SpіrkіnNatalіya VіhryanMarіya KomarovaSoso Pavlіashvіlі
Creation year 2012
Language Russian
Premiere in Ukraine 08 march 2012
Rental in Ukraine with 08 march 2012
Budget ₴ 2 100 831
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 16 933 671
Spectators in cinemas 458513
Vera and Nikita are not familiar, they have never seen each other. Not counting the fact that they have chosen the same place to celebrate their success in their personal lives. Vera is a successful talk show host of her own, is getting married, her fiance Konstantin is a famous tennis player. Nikita, an in-demand veterinarian, made an offer to Iloni's hand and heart, a plastic surgeon. They were all good, they were happy, friends supported their choice, but everything changed one morning when Vira and Nikita woke up in the same bed.
Deciding that these are the effects of stormy fun, they disperse in different directions, hoping to forget it all as a terrible dream. But the next morning everything repeats, they wake up again in the same bed in the same House of Your Dreams, although each of them knows exactly what they fell asleep at home. This goes on for a few more days. Some mysterious forces constantly deceive them, destroying their personal lives, or perhaps pointing out that they were created for each other…
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