Format TV series
Серій 4
Хронометраж 45 хвилин
TV channel 1+1
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Production company Artforms prodakshn Ukraina
Directors Vіra Yakovenko
Screenwriter Tetyana HniedashІvan Shishman
Director of photography (DOP) Vіtalіy Bredіk
Production Designer Vassa-Karolina Bahalika
Composers Oleksіy PetroghicykiySerhіy Homenko (II)
Film editor Dmitro Hernich
Сostume designer Yulіya AndrіyanovaNatalіya Mikolaychuk
Second Director Yaroslava Holovko
Casting director Іrina Іhnatenko
Producer Tetyana HniedashDenis PonomarenkoDar'ya OreshkevichSerhіy Uhіn
Leading actors Yelizaveta Maysyka (Kurbanmagomedova)Yurіy FelіpenkoAnton BatirievKostyantin OktyabrsykiyOleksandr DavidovOlga LarinaSlava KrasovskaІhor ІvaschenkoAnatolіy BorsyukMihaylo Auhust
Supporting Actors Zedek MaestrellіStanіslav FlorencevKarina MіholatArtem VilbikOlena NesterenkoVyacheslav Shehovcov
Writer Dmitry Resnichkin creates popular women's novels, but remains unknown due to his unattractive appearance. His works are published under the name and with a photo on the cover of the publisher Eduard Gromov. Dmytro’s beautiful wife Olena dreams of becoming famous thanks to her husband’s successful career, attending presentations and other social events with him. To this end, she persuades Dmytro to decide on plastic surgery and no longer be ashamed of his appearance. But the couple has no idea what this decision will turn out to be.
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