Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2020, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 5.44%
Fraction 20.43%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Mamas Fіlym Prodakshn
Directors Taras Dudar
Screenwriter Svіtlana CivіnsykaVіktorіya Adghavі
Director of photography (DOP) Serhіy Hrablyev
Production Designer Shevket Seydametov
Composers Іvan Zavhorodnіy
Sound Directors Arman Elybert
Film editor Michael TorgomyanPavlo Serb
Сostume designer Shura Riazantseva
Makeup artists Олена Куліш (II)
Second Director Alіsa Tihoplav
Casting director Oksana Martynyuk (II)
Producer Alla LipovecykaMarina KvasovaNataliia StrybukVіktorіya Korohod
Executive Producers Tetyana Rieka
Creative Producers Alla Lipovecyka
Leading actors Anton BatirievLyudmila ZahorsykaІvan TamashevKsenіya MіshinaOlena Zavhorodnya (Kolesnichenko)Vladislav Mamchur
Supporting Actors Yelizaveta KozlovaKaterina MarchenkoAnastasіya KotlyarSvіtlana ShtanykoRoman HalaimovAnastasіya LyutovaІhor PortyankoOleksandr LelіkovVladislav RomanyukOleksandr RudkoAleksei AgeevValerіy ZaycevHalina KornieievaVolodimir YuschenkoValentin TomusyakІhor TihomirovOlena NovikovaOlena MihaylichenkoKaterina TishkevichOlesia GaiovaVolodimir HladkiyVladislav PisarenkoTaras CimbalyukYevhen SіnchukovKostyantin OktyabrsykiyІlona BoykoKirilo NіkіtenkoArtur NovikovAnna Hulyaieva
Casting Managers Vіktorіya Hulik
Tatiana and Mikhail Kravchuk are raising the named son Lev, the boy of the family got not easy – with a strong-willed character and enviable stubbornness. And adolescence has only worsened, and a serious conflict is brewing in the family.
This is not the only problem for the Kravchuks – Lev's mother leaves the colony and plans to get his son back. But is it only love that drives the boy's biological mother, or maybe all her actions are a well-thought-out plan to avenge the man who put her in prison? And will Leo be able to understand that money and a bright life are not always better than true, quiet love?
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