Format TV series
Number of seasons 3
Season 1, рік 2014, series 95, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Season 2, рік 2014, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Season 3, рік 2014, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Front Sіnema
Directors Dmitro Holydman
Screenwriter Tetyana HniedashOlena PіslarіyNatalіya NіkіshinaYaroslava SiehalІrina ChernovaOlena ZhdanovaFіlіp MarkovichHalina ShkarupaYulіya VasilyievaLana KuybіnaAnastastіya LeschinsykaAlla PasikovaArkadіy HarcmanOlena TereshkovaTetyana PrisyaghnaDar'ya Rudokvas
Director of photography (DOP) Serhіy Nіkіforov (II)
Production Designer Marіya Chupaylenko
Composers Eduard Pristupa
Sound Directors Іvan PozdnishevSerhіy ButenkoІvan Aleksandrov
Film editor Dmitro NesterovMikola Bazarkіn
Second Director Katerina NekrasovaOleksandr SalynikovValerіy Roghko
Operator Kostyantin OvcharenkoSergey Krutko
Casting director Lіlіya Kitayhora
Producer Tetyana HniedashMaksim DankevichOlena BechkeKseniia Zahurska
Executive Producers Oleksandra Tkachenko (II)
Leading actors Oksana ZhdanovaOleksandr PopovPavlo MoskalyAda RohovcevaOksana StashenkoKostyantin DanilyukDmitro LalienkovNadіya KostyukVasily MazurRehіna BistryakovaYaroslav Hurevich
Supporting Actors Svіtlana ZelybetYurіy DyakOlena Yeremenko (II)Andrii DebrinOlena YaschenkoOlena BorisovaVіtalіy ІvanchenkoFedіr HurinecyLarissa RusnakІhor AntonovYevhen BondarsykiyAnatolіy BorsyukVіktorіya MalektorovichYulіya HershanіkІhor ІvaschenkoMarina DyyakonenkoV'yacheslav DudkoSerhіy Derev'yankoNatalіya KlenіnaKostyantin KosinsykiyOlena BushevsykaPetro KrylovAnna TihomirovaMihaylo ShikulaVіtalіy SalіyOlena Bondarieva-RiepіnaІnna MіroshnichenkoYurіy VisocykiyViacheslav VasyliukSofіya PіsymanOlena TurbalІrina BіbіkVіtalіya KobecySvіtlana SivolocykaVіlen BabіchevTamara MorozovaSerhіy Bondarchuk (II)Sergey VolyanovskyTetyana ІhnashkіnaІvan KovalysykiyVіktor VoroncovOleksandr OnufrіievOleksandr SpіrіnYulіya ZarembaAndrіy BondarchukMarta LohachovaLіlіya YacenkoTetyana YurіkovaOleksandr LomkoVіtalіy MatvіienkoSerhіy HlavchevHrihorіy BaklanovOleksandr ShevchukV'yacheslav BistrovMarianna DruzhynetsAlіna RazumenkoІhor LisyukOlena SvetlitskayaSerhey Lihtey
Part one: "Mongrel Lyalya"
17-year-old gypsy Lyalya Rubinova really needs money, so she decides to rob the house of the local rich Sviridovs at night.
At the time of the crime, she was found by the son of the owner of the house Serhiy. But instead of calling the police, the guy offers the robber ... to marry him. And Lyalya agrees. But will the wedding take place?
This is the story of a dangerous love quadrangle, from which, after fatal events, only two people in love got out, survived and found happiness.
Part two: "Beauty Lyalya"
Red-haired gypsy Lyalya is waiting for new twists of fate. Lyalya will become Catherine, change her place of residence, style and image.
Part three: "Return of Lyalya"
Six months have passed since the last events in the TV series "Mongrel Lyalya". Much has changed in Lyalya's life. After all the trials, she left the city and lives far from civilization. She keeps in touch only with Anna, and even then asks without much need not to disturb her solitary lifestyle. Six months later, a reason arose: a gynecologist who was giving birth in Lyalya died and before his death revealed to the head of the colony Gromov the secret that he had sold Lyalya's child to another woman. Lyalya goes in search of her baby.
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