Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2021, series 8, ~45 minutes, TV channel СТБ
Rating 6.31%
Fraction 16.29%
Genre Melodrama
Production company IVORY films
Directors Roman Barabash
Screenwriter Iryna FeofanovaAnhelіna Levant
Production Designer Vadim Shinkaryov
Composers Vladlen Pupkov
Producer Lyudmila SemchukKaterina ShevelyukOlena ZozOleh RohoghaІlarіon PavlyukVolodimir Ribasy
Executive Producers Armen Ter-Avanesov
Creative Producers Dmytro KitsayOlga Khavzhu
Leading actors Olena Polyansyka Oleksandr NіkіtіnOleh ZahorodnіyKateryna HryhorenkoStanіslav BghezinsykiyNatalіya BabenkoPetro KrylovNіna Naboka
Supporting Actors Kristіna MelynichenkoRuslan KovalEvelіna SolovyovaDmitro Paleiev-BarmansykiyDmitro Oskіn
Creation year 2021
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
Premiere in Ukraine 01 march 2021
Budget ₴ 1 285 398
The story of a talented microbiologist Svetlana, who created an innovative antibiotic and founded a large pharmaceutical company. But fanatical devotion to work was the cause of the tragedy in her life – in the seventh month of pregnancy she lost a child.
After that, she and her husband decided to dedicate themselves completely to the family and forget about work for at least a while. Management of the company passed to her husband Alexei. But it turns out that he is not as exemplary a family man and a caring man as he wants to seem, he spends almost all nights in an underground gaming club. And one evening, when he lost everything, he puts the most expensive – his wife.
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