Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Distributor Arthaus Trafіk
Directors Roman Balayan
Screenwriter Roman Balayan
Director of photography (DOP) Yurіy Koroly
Production Designer Vladlen Odudenko
Composers Volodymyr Hronsky
Sound Directors Serhіy SavchenkoHeorhіy StremovsykiyDmytro Moroz (II)Borys Peter
Film editor Serhіy Klepach
Сostume designer Nadіya Kudryavceva
Makeup artists Tetyana TatarenkoІrina Bielіna
Second Director Natalіya Mіroshnіchenko
Casting director Olha SavinaOlha Krasnoshlyk
Producer Іvanna DyadyuraTeona Mazmіshvіlі
Leading actors Axtem SeitablaevKate Molchanova
Supporting Actors Serhіy TrimbachMihaylo ChernyakovOleh DіdikMariia PetrenkoYulіya VrublevsykaVladyslava ButkovaNatalіya MaksimenkoLyubov VeselovaYaroslav BezkorovaynyiOlesya OstrovsykaMaksim VolinecyVladlen OdudenkoRuslan VіktorovMarіya MikolaychukAlla SokolovaStanislav LozovskyiOleksandr TretiachenkoYevhenіy LіsnichiyYevhen PolyakovRoman Korghuk
Creation year 2020
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
World Premiere 24 august 2020
Premiere in Ukraine 24 august 2020
Rental in Ukraine with 08 july 2021
Oleksii, an experienced surgeon, makes a mistake in the diagnosis of his seven-year-old godson. The boy dies on the operating table. Stunned, the man tenders his resignation. One autumn morning he is sitting on the riverbank in a favorite place where he used to fish with his godson. Suddenly, he notices the figure of a shapely, semi-naked girl emerging from the fog. She is shivering with cold. Oleksii spontaneously offers his help, and thus becomes part of an incredible adventure story. It will involve inexplicable lies, being beaten up, anger and repentance, car chases, the elusiveness of truth and the pain of compassion, an incredible understanding of birds and animals. Above all, there will be the unavoidable coming together of two lonely people who almost hated each other at first but, as it turns out, are destined to be together. A riveting story about how misdiagnosis, not necessarily in medical terms, complicates and corrupts lives, but can also bring the grace of enlightenment.
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