Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Comedy
Production company FILM.UA GroupPrototip prodakshn
Distributor KinomaniaFILM.UA Distribution
Directors Lyubomir Levicykiy
Screenwriter Mikola KucikOleksіy Prihodyko
Director of photography (DOP) Sergii Revutskyi
Production Designer Oleksandr Bateniev
Composers Oleksіy PotapenkoVolodimir KaharlikDmitro Stepanov
Sound Directors Oleksandr TіtarenkoRoman Homenyuk
Film editor Michael Torgomyan
Сostume designer Anna Obrazcova
Makeup artists Anna Lіsovsyka
Second Director Yulіya Hoyman
Casting director Anastasiia Korshun
Producer Yurіy HorbunovІryna KostiukNadіya KorotushkaІrina Horova
Executive Producers Oleksandra Lozinska
Line Producers Stas Sokol
Leading actors Nazar ZadnіprovsykiyLesia SamaievaKaterina FaynViacheslav Khostikoiev Polіna VasilinaJimmy Woha WohaAram ArzumanyanІnna PrihodykoVіra KobzarOleksandr KobzarKіra SayapіnaIhor KrykunovYurіy Horbunov
Supporting Actors Oleksіy SuprunSerhіy ScherbakovOleksіy PotapenkoOleksіy ZavhorodnіyNadіya MeyherOleh VinnikІvanna OnufriychukRіmma ShapovalovaValerіya TovstoliesFelіks ArdelyyanovVіktor DrapіkovsykiyMarharita LyubomsykaLuida KurmelTomasz SobczakAnna TrincherPetro ChorniyNatalіya ZolotaryovaSerhіy KarasyІhor SaikLyudmila KrikunovaVіktorіya YurkevichMikola KondenkoGhanna KrikunovaRadіslav StecenkoMarina Kravchuk
Voice acting Oleksandr Shevchuk
Creation year 2021
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 25 february 2021
Rental in Ukraine with 25 february 2021
Budget ₴ 16 000 000
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 28 983 075
Spectators in cinemas 303814
Four years have passed since the last Mad Wedding, and now the youngest of the Seredyuk family, Zakhar, plans to get on the towel of happiness. Traditionally for Vasily's children, he chose an exotic couple to start a family – the daughter of a gypsy baron, the beautiful Rada. And although the father swore this time not to spoil the wedding, and the daughter-in-law to his liking, but a quiet holiday – not in the tradition of Seredyuk.
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