Format Film
Category Short
Genre DramaHistorical
Production company FOP Voytenko O. V.
Directors Oksana Voitenko
Screenwriter Oksana VoitenkoAnatolіy Sobolevsykiy
Director of photography (DOP) Anton Borisyuk
Production Designer Vіktorіya Yanchuk
Composers Maksim Smoholy
Sound Directors Andrіy Nіdzelysykiy
Film editor Vіktor Malyarenko
Сostume designer Anna Hayova
Makeup artists Oleksandra BiesiedkіnaAnastasіya Lipyavka
Producer Yuri MinzyanovKaterina Banah
Leading actors Denis ShevchenkoVeronika ShostakVadym Kurylko
Supporting Actors Ostap DziadekArtem ShtucaMikola AndrushkoIvan PotapovVlad PoroghnіyAndrіy Maslov-LisichkіnAleksandr KovalІvan Danіlіn
Creation year 2020
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
World Premiere 25 august 2020
Premiere in Ukraine 25 august 2020
Budget ₴ 455 000
Ukraine, 1946. Orest, commander of an insurgent squad, is in a hideout together with his pregnant wife Eva and several fighters. The NKVD surrounds the insurgents. The captain of the commissariat squad gives Orest a choice: he either gives Eva out or accepts an unequal fight.
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