Format TV series
Серій 4
Хронометраж 45 хвилин
TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company FіlymstrіmVileton Films
Directors Serhіy Borchukov
Screenwriter Ksenіya Osadchenko
Director of photography (DOP) Vasiliy Sikachinsykiy
Production Designer Maryna Pshenychnykova
Composers Vladlen Pupkov
Film editor Anton Kononyuk
Сostume designer Hanna Krupnіcyka
Makeup artists Svіtlana Muzika
Casting director Yevheniya Ryzhko
Producer Natalіya StribukVіktorіya KorohodVіtalіy Sіrenko
Executive Producers Іrina Franchuk
Leading actors Oleksіy MorozovOlyha ArntholycDaryna TrehubovaArtem PoznyakІrina AvdieienkoSvіtlana ZelybetTamara MorozovaІhor RubashkіnMarіya TrepіkovaOleh Zamyatіn
Supporting Actors Dmitro HarbuzDmitro OskіnKaterina VishnevaAnna AbramyonokAlіsa Hur'ievaLorena KolіbabchukViacheslav VasyliukOlha MorozOleh PrimohenovІrina BghezіnsykaІrina BіbіkSvіtlana KosolapovaRoman SkobnіkovAurіka DzihoraAndrіy VoronkovІhor ZorovMarіya KochurVolodimir HoncharovYurіi TeteІvan TamashevSerhіy AsovsykiySerhіy Luk'yanecyAleksandra UsatenkoAndrіy MakarchenkoOleksіy BereznyaMarharita Lapіna
Creation year 2019
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 17 march 2020
Premiere in Ukraine 14 september 2019
Oleksiy Frolov, a leading specialist at a private dental clinic, is a complete bachelor, and no woman in his life lingers long. One day, on his way home from work, he accidentally knocks down a well-known TV presenter and viewer's favorite Anna Mikheyeva.
The woman is in the hospital in a coma and it is unknown whether she will survive. And although Frolov is not guilty, his whole life turns into a nightmare - journalists shoot incriminating reports, work colleagues condemn.
Anna Dimka's son is brought to one of the programs dedicated to the tragedy. The boy was forced to be placed in an orphanage, because there was no one who could take him into the family while his mother was in the hospital. Frolov promises to help Dmitry and keeps his word - the next day he opens an account in his name, and after a while makes a difficult decision - to become the boy's guardian. The appearance of Dimka in his bachelor's lair destroys Frolov's usual way of life, but from the point of view his deed looks noble. But how do you build a sincere relationship if your child blames you for what happened to your mother? And how then, having become his friend and support, to give the boy to his father, who does not need him at all?
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