Format TV series
Серій 16
Хронометраж 45 хвилин
TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Production company FіlymstrіmVileton Films
Directors Іhor Moskvіtіn
Screenwriter Oleksandr Druhov
Director of photography (DOP) Serhіy Koshely
Production Designer Volodimir Lisak
Composers andrii ponomarov
Film editor Anton Kononyuk
Сostume designer Hanna Marchenko
Makeup artists Svіtlana Muzika
Operator Oleksandr Hlіnchenko
Casting director Kristіna Korshikova
Producer Natalіya StribukVіktorіya KorohodYevhen LyaschenkoVіtalіy Sіrenko
Executive Producers Іrina Franchuk
Leading actors Marіya ValeshnaІllya NoskovOleksandr PashkovAnna AdamovychElydar LebedievHalina KornieievaVolodimir MіnenkoSerhіy SipliviyAlіsa Hur'ievaІvan PrihodykoOleksandr PopovLilia RebrykІrina Ostrovsyka
Supporting Actors Svіtlana ShekeraBoris KnighenkoPavlo TupіkovYurіy KudryavecyFatіma HorbenkoSergii DzialykDanilo BielihVadim LyalykoKaterina MelynikOleksandr ZaikaSerhіy KorshikovVіtalіy KudryavcevRuslan NіkonenkoStanіslav BoklanKaterina TishkevichІnna MіroshnichenkoOleksandr MelynikLev SomovVolodimir ZadnіprovsykiyAntonina MakarchukYevhen PіdhorniyValerіy PasіchnikSerhіy PochaievecyTamara AntropovaArtur VahaZahar NechiporІrina HrishakFіlіp ProckovDmitro ZavadsykiyVolodimir LisakVadym KononovOleksandr MіroshnichenkoІhor ZorovOleksandr ShevchukVolodymyr MelnykVolodimir BelyaievMikita Bichkov-AndrіievsykiyLyudmila KuzymіnaVіtalіy Derev'yanchukVladyslav DmytrenkoІhor ShubNatalia SmirnovaDmitro OskіnYevhen LunchenkoNatalіya BohomolovaVolodimir ShipovalovDmitro LobachevsykiySerhіy PonomarenkoYurіy ІhnatenkoDmitro MelenevsykiyMarіya SmolyakovaArsen ShavlyukAndrіy YevseienkoTamara MorozovaDmytro TurkevychVіtalіy ChelkanovAlexandr OdnostalchenkoVolodimir HohlovTetyana NechaienkoArtem VilbikJean SelezenyevAnastasіya ІvanyukVyacheslav ShehovcovІhor TihomirovIhor LazunkoPavlo AldoshinOksana DezeraAzaliia TkachukMonika TkachukІrina BielysykaYaroslav ShahtorіnKaterina TrandafіlovaVolodimir HalenaNіna HalenaSerhіy SolopayDenis KapustіnVolodimir YamnenkoTimur PolyansykiyIhor SalimonovOleksandr KatunіnMarіya KochurLarisa UlasovsykaVeronіka MіshaievaDanilo LakozaOlena Zavhorodnya (Kolesnichenko)Tetyana YurіkovaBoris SmirnovІlona BoykoDmitro VіkulovNatalіya NahrudnaYevhen SіnchukovOles KatsionHanna Aleksandrovich (Samіnіna)Mikola HrihorenkoAndrіy TіtovVolodimir HoncharovFіlіp NіgheradzeYehor Pcholkіn
When she calls herself a criminal journalist, no one knows it sounds ambiguous. Yes, she is a well-known journalist and is investigating murders and disappearances. But in her past - and it seems to her that only she knows - there is a terrible crime.
Halyna, who is about thirty-five years old, comes to her hometown with her daughter Dasha, a first-year student at the Faculty of Journalism, after many years of absence. She got a job in one of the central newspapers, where she writes a section of the criminal chronicle. Again and again Galina is involved in the investigation of disappearances and murders. In each such case - human dramas, someone's broken destinies. And each such investigation is a duel with a murderer, from which she emerges victorious through her experience, knowledge and instinct.
But from the moment of returning to her hometown, Galina is the object of close attention of the unknown, who follows her every step. Ominous messages, phone calls that Galina receives, hint at something that happened in the distant past.
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