Format TV series
Number of seasons 2
Season 1, рік 2020, series 16, ~40 minutes, TV channel 2+2
Season 2, рік 2021, series 16, ~40 minutes, TV channel 2+2
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Action movie
Production company SFERA FILM
Directors Oleh Maslennіkov
Screenwriter Mark Limarenko
Director of photography (DOP) Andrіy Shvecy
Production Designer Vіktor Kuleshov
Sound Directors Andrіy Rudiy
Film editor Olga Kovalchuk (II)Serhіy Tuzyuk
Сostume designer Tetyana Zubarieva (II)
Makeup artists Katerina Kavaler
Second Director Kostyantin Petrik
Operator Mihaylo Slavhorodsykiy
Casting director Vika Ilina
Producer Serhіy KizimaDmytro SafanovskyiVadim Chervyakov
Executive Producers Roman Omelychuk
Creative Producers Serhіy Karpenko
Leading actors Oleksandr PіskunovAnton YeryomіnSerhіy FrolovAnastasia KapinusOleksandr PogharsykiyVіtalіy AghnovYevhen Oliinyk (II)Alesya RomanovaOleksandr SuvorovHlіb Mihaylichenko
Supporting Actors Oleh SimonenkoYana SlupsykaV'yacheslav VietkovsykiyOleh KorkushkoOleksandr TretiachenkoPavlo KostіcinMikita ParhomenkoDmitro ChernovYevhen LunchenkoSerhіy DetyukYevhen ArabadzhyiskyiVolodimir PіterovYurіy KulіnіchYulіya LushinsykaІrina TamіmІhor TihomirovVyacheslav NikolenkoYurіy RebrikYurіy ShevcovSerhіy BulіnSerhіy SolopayKaterina ChuhayKaterina BondarsykaSerhіy AsovsykiyOleh ZahorodnіyYurіy OdinokiyTetyana VitsinaVolodymyr RashchukYuhim BaytlerVolodimir BelyaievMikola KihotyValerіy AntonyukVolodimir OsadchiyYelizaveta BakulіnaІrina RoghdestvensykaAnton KocherhaValerіy PasіchnikVadim KucenokDmitro HiryavecyTetyana KlochkoGeorgy ZhukovYana KlyuchnikDaria KryvosheiOleksandr DanilychenkoVolodimir HoncharovAndrіy KrivoruchkoVadim LyalykoVolodimir FіlatovYaroslav IhnatenkoOlena NovikovaOlena SvetlitskayaVeronіka MіshaievaSergh AvakyanVadym PavlenkoRoman YakimchukSerhіy PonomarenkoOleksandr MoyseienkoOleksandr BatalovOleksandr BondarukYevhen VoloshenyukSerhіy PashenkoIhor SalimonovVadym DundaTetyana KlimenkoAlla BіnieievaVolodymyr BarabanovMark StepanenkoDemian RadziviliukVlada Skubchenko-PrudnykDenis Sadchenko
Casting Managers Oksana Shatrova
Creation year 2020
Country Ukraine
World Premiere 08 november 2020
Premiere in Ukraine 08 november 2020
A special detachment within the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose main task is to protect important witnesses. Universal fighters, accustomed to taking risks and exposing themselves to danger for the success of the operation, led by curator Viktorovich, perform top-secret tasks every day: transportation of securities, protection of famous politicians, escorting witnesses on particularly important cases, and releasing prisoners. Outside of work, they are ordinary people with their past, problems and dreams, but at work, each of them becomes a guardian angel, on the vigilance and determination of which depends the fate of the client. The arrival of a new fighter in the detachment – a former policeman and son-in-law Viktorovich, and one unsuccessful special operation will forever change the lives of the Angels...
... | Season 2
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