Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2019, series 4, ~44 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Vileton FilmsFіlymstrіmArt Teritorіya
Directors Anton Skripecy
Screenwriter Anton Skripecy
Director of photography (DOP) Sergii Revutskyi
Production Designer Lyudmila Malishko
Composers Alex Chorny
Sound Directors Danilo Pryadka
Film editor Artur Razіnykov
Сostume designer Іrina Tyulykіna
Makeup artists Katerina Skorih
Second Director Stanislav Luhovyi
Casting director Vіktorіya Nesterenko
Producer Vіtalіy SіrenkoІhor Volkov (IV)Serhіy Baranov (II)Nataliia StrybukVіktorіya Korohod
Executive Producers Anastasіya DanilenkoOlga Klymenko
Line Producers Valerіya Nepiyuscha
Leading actors Natalіya VisochansykaDmytro SovaHlafіra TarhanovaEvgen AvdeenkoBorys SavenkoOleksandr YackoKira PodolskaOlena UzlyukSerhіy RadchenkoVadim KucenokVasyl KukharskyiStanіslav Schokіn
Supporting Actors Marina DyyakonenkoStanіslav HlushkoOleksandr NedbayloOleksandr ShevchukAnastasіya PіharievaBeso Moiscrapishvili
Creation year 2019
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 23 april 2020
Premiere in Ukraine 23 december 2019
Marina receives an invitation from her father to come to his birthday eight years after their last meeting. Despite the feigned truce in the family, family secrets emerge at the festive table and a new quarrel breaks out. After a spoiled evening, Marina decides to leave her home, but then learns that her father was found dead near the pier.
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