Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Genre Melodrama
Production company UPS
Directors Volodimir Harchenko-Kulіkovsykiy
Screenwriter Marіya BekOlena Boyko
Director of photography (DOP) Yevgeniy Adamenko
Production Designer Yevhenіya Panchenko
Composers Roman Dudchik
Sound Directors Volodimir SіrenkoMihaylo Petrenko (II)Іhor YashinIhor Kazmirchuk
Film editor Vіktor Pohorielov
Сostume designer Oksana Salamatіna
Makeup artists Volodimir Panchuk
Casting director Vіktor Righko
Producer Іrina Zarya
Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs
Leading actors Anna VasylievaOleksandr PashkovDarina LobodaMarіya TarasovaIlya Paladin PaladinNadіya KozlenkoVіtalіy Іvanchenko
Supporting Actors Aurіka DzihoraOleksandr PіskunovPlaton ShvabHalina KornieievaNatalya TsyganenkoLyubov TimoshevsykaSerhіy SipliviyOleksandr SpіrіnVіktorіya VіdokOleh TrepovsykiyPetro BoykoF. KushnaryovA. OpanasyukVolodimir PshenichniyKostyantin KorecykiyIhor SalimonovMihaylo KondratsykiySnіghana Odud
Creation year 2016
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 09 december 2016
Premiere in Ukraine 30 september 2016
Medicines do not see well – she has a congenital visual impairment. She works in a cooperative for the production of paper flowers. When her father dies suddenly, Lika is left with her brother and sister in her arms. Lesha is thirteen and Nastya is eight. The stepmother shamelessly drives the dead man's children out into the street. Lici has no choice but to move with her brother and sister to the village and settle in her grandmother's old house.
Villagers help orphaned children in every possible way. But eighteen-year-old Dima from the so-called golden youth rapes Lika. The statement to the precinct remains unanswered. And Dima's mother, Tamara, after the death of her wayward son, takes her newborn son Sasha from Lika. Tamara's brother Ivan, an old bachelor, helps her face. And gradually realizes that he can not live without this girl. How will Lika answer him? After all, he is the rapist's uncle. And little Sasha, who was taken from her, is his grandnephew.
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