Format TV series
Серій 24
Хронометраж 25 хвилин
TV channel 1+1
Rating 3.43%
Fraction 11.26%
Genre Comedy
Production company Speys Prodakshn
Directors Serhіy Scherbіn
Screenwriter Artem KobzanMikola SorokaRuslan NikulinAndrii Vyshtak
Director of photography (DOP) Bohdan YakimenkoAnton Verbіn
Production Designer Oleksіi Dehtiarov
Composers Yurіy Plavko
Film editor Kostyantin RazumnovOleksіy Orlov
Сostume designer Mikola Hvily
Makeup artists Katerina Skorih
Second Director Іlona Hordіienko
Casting director Anna Saharova
Producer Maksim KrivicykiyOlena YeremieievaDaryna ZhukovaDar'ya Lehonі-FіalkoKaterina Laskarі
Executive Producers Taras Semenyuk
Creative Producers Іhor Krivicykiy
Leading actors Havrilo FedotovKlavdіya Drozd (Bunina)Іnna PrihodykoEvhenii LamakhOlena UzlyukValerіy AstahovArtem BarvіnokKaterina KіstenyLesia SamaievaDanilo BielihOlena OlarOleksіy PotapenkoStanіslav BoklanOleksіy CherevatenkoKostyantin Oktyabrsykiy
Supporting Actors Aram ArzumanyanNіna HalenaMarharita GhihunovaOleksandr MelynikSerhіy SmeyanAndrіy TіtovAndrіy StoroghukAleksei AgeevHanna Aleksandrovich (Samіnіna)Valerіya TovstoliesMikola HrihorenkoKostyantin KorecykiyAndrіy KronhlevsykiyPetro HіmіchMihaylo AuhustOleksandr YaremaVladislav PisarenkoNatalka KobizkaDmitro KolyadenkoMykhailo DosenkoOleh MaslennіkovAntonina MakarchukVіktor AndruschenkoSerhіy SafronchikVolodimir HoncharovAsia BilaMark DrobotValentyna VovchenkoІnna ShevchenkoOleh MoskalenkoAnastasiia IvaniukAnastasia DemianenkoMichelle AndradeDmitro Paleiev-BarmansykiyNataliia MuzychkoYulіya HershanіkVadim KucenokArtemiy ZelenskiiOleksandra BahtieievaVіktorіya VeynemanHrihorіy BaklanovVіktorіya LuckovaNatalіya RenykasAnastasіya BashaPavlo TupіkovSergey KudaValerіy YurchenkoNіna NabokaSvіtlana PrusKaterina YevdokіmovaAndrіy PonomarenkoHanna SalіvanchukOlga StorozhukAnna SaharovaHeorhіy LeschenkoMarіya KochurValentin FomenkoІnna MіroshnichenkoVolodimir BandurkaІllya HoloduhіnOleksіy DzyubinsykiyKaterina FaynOlena Bondarieva-RiepіnaDmytro SoloviovDmitro Vіvcharyuk
Casting Managers Katerina Yevdokіmova
The main character Artem returns to his hometown after 10 years of living in the capital. During all this time, he never visited the family and beloved girl he once promised to take to the capital. Now Artem has come home on the instructions of the boss, who wants to build a shopping center on the site of the House of Culture.
In the hometown, the protagonist will face many adventures and trials, meetings with family, friends and first love, as well as rethinking life's priorities and true values.
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