Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2020, series 20, ~25 minutes, TV channel ТЕТ
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Ситком
Production company Dalі bude fіlmz
Directors Harіk Bіrcha
Screenwriter Harіk BіrchaV'yacheslav Ostrovcev
Director of photography (DOP) Tetyana Dudnіk
Production Designer Oleksandra Kodіy
Sound Directors Yevhen Kahanovich
Film editor Olena PlatonovaDmitro Turchin
Сostume designer Marіya Kodіy
Makeup artists Anna Lіsovsyka
Casting director Olena Shlyahova
Producer Oleksandra LozinskaOksana Petrishin
Executive Producers Oleh Kirilov
Creative Producers Roman Lukіn
Leading actors Artemіy YehorovVіra KobzarKaterina VarchenkoVeronіka Luk'yanenkoIryna Kudashova Eduard KozachokAndrіy FedіnchikValerіy Shvecy
Supporting Actors Valentina VovchenkoYevhen ShekeraVladislav RomanyukNatalia StepanovaOlena TimkovaLіdіya SemesyukNіna NabokaHanna HladkihViacheslav StasenkoSerhey LihteyTaisiia Khvostova
What will happen if a teacher from the Netherlands suddenly becomes a principal in a regular Ukrainian school? We don't know for sure, but it will probably be interesting to watch. Daniel Jansen is the europrinciple, and he should turn the school in Kryvopol into a modern European educational institution in a year.
Nothing and no one can stop Daniel from achieving this goal. Perhaps, except Inessa Nazarivna, a school headmistress who dreamed about position of the principal for many years and didn’t gor it again because of Daniel.
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