Format TV series
Серій 8
Хронометраж 45 хвилин
TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Mamas Fіlym Prodakshn
Directors Roman Brovko
Screenwriter Lesia Voloshyn
Director of photography (DOP) Artem Vasiliev (II)
Production Designer Shevket Seydametov
Composers Vladlen Pupkov
Sound Directors Yehor Іrodov
Film editor Michael Torgomyan
Сostume designer Olyha Yelyshevich
Makeup artists Tetyana Bіrt
Operator Andrіy Leonenko
Casting director Oksana Martynyuk (II)
Producer Alla LipovecykaMarina Kvasova
Executive Producers Tetyana Rieka
Line Producers Tetyana Hlushich
Leading actors Mіla SivacykaMakar TihomirovOksana ZhdanovaVladislav NіkіtyukLyudmila ZahorsykaVladislav MamchurІhor Tihomirov
Supporting Actors Serhіy NіkіtіnAnastasіya ShulyhaSvіtlana ShtanykoVladislav OnіschenkoVolodimir OsadchiyValentin TomusyakAntonina MakarchukVyacheslav NikolenkoІhor PіsniyV'yacheslav DovghenkoOlena PanevіnaAnna RumikPetro MironovMyroslava FilipovychDmitro BazayStanіslav MoskvіnOlesya VlasovaSerhіy SolopayOleksandr KatunіnІvan KovalysykiyValerіy PasіchnikOleksandr RudkoSerhіy SafronchikOleksandr ShevchukRoman YasinovskyiTetiana LeshchenkoYevhen SіnchukovYurіy LіzenhevichLeonіd HapіchevSofіya Hapіcheva
Creation year 2017
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 06 may 2018
Premiere in Ukraine 11 december 2017
After her husband's death, Nina's mother remarries a widower from a nearby town. Together with his son he moves to their house. So Nina has a half-brother – Andrew. Nina immediately shows sympathy for him, surrounds him with care, helps him get used to their home and new school.
Young people are in love, but Nina considers their feelings forbidden. She lies that she loves another – the rich handsome Plato, who has long been courting her. Thus, Nina involuntarily crosses the road to her cousin Jeanne, who had her own mercantile plans for Plato. And when Andrew publicly declares his love for Nina, she pushes the young man away. Andrew disappears from her life for many years, but they will meet again.
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