Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2019, series 16, ~48 minutes, TV channel СТБ
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Artforms prodakshn Ukraina
Directors Mіla Pohrebisyka
Screenwriter Tetyana HniedashYulіya VasilyievaYanіna VіlyhotsykaFіlіp MarkovichOlena Pіslarіy
Director of photography (DOP) Markіyan Kanyuka
Production Designer Іhor Hilyuk
Composers Oleksіy Olyshevsykiy
Sound Directors Serhіy Butenko
Сostume designer Natalіya Stepanieieva
Makeup artists Olena Lebіdy
Second Director Yaroslava Holovko
Casting director Іrina Іhnatenko
Producer Denis PonomarenkoTetyana HniedashDar'ya OreshkevichSerhіy Uhіn
Creative Producers Oleksandra Tkachenko (II)
Leading actors Olyha RadchukValeria KhodosEva Shevchenko-HolovkoDariia TvoronovichArtemіy YehorovІnna KapіnosAnastasіya CimbalaruYevhenіy LebedinKostyantin DanilyukAda Rohovceva
Supporting Actors Petro NinovskyiTelyman RahіmovSerhіy FrolovSvіtlana ZelybetAlex SugakSerhіy BasokTaisіya-Oksana SchurukHalina KornieievaYurіy RebrikVіktorіya LevchenkoOlesya OstrovsykaBoris HeorhіievsykiyІhor KachurKristіna MelynichenkoMіla BurdunyukAnastasiia GyrenkovaKseniia DanilovaOleksіy NeghurkoTetyana HapіchevaOlga Kiiashko
Eight-year-old Inna lives with her mother and stepfather. New Dad mocks his stepdaughter. She often comes to school with bruises and scratches, but everyone turns a blind eye to the child's condition. Everyone except Elena, who works as a teacher at Inna's school. She was the only one who decided to apply to the children's service, but did not achieve any results. Inna's mother defends the cruel man and does not make any accusations against him.
Elena decides to kidnap the child. The teacher is ready to risk everything in order to save the girl from her parents. Brave woman prepares an escape plan. But she, of course, will be disturbed…
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