Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Genre Melodrama
Production company TeleMaysterABC Films
Directors Ashot Keschan
Screenwriter Yurіy TarabanchukKіra Hudoliey
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksіy CvіlodubSerhіy Hrablyev
Production Designer Volodimir Lisak
Composers Valerіy Carykov
Sound Directors Oleksandr Kovalenko (III)Andrіy Rudiy
Film editor Denis Nekrot
Сostume designer Tetyana Zurabova
Makeup artists Olena Polіschuk (II)
Casting director Tetyana Bushunova
Producer Rodіon PavlyuchikVіtalіy Sіrenko
Executive Producers Olyha PolesicykaOlena Lіsnyak
Creative Producers Іhor MarіnAndrіy Zabіyaka
Leading actors Anastasіya SteghkoDenis Shvedov
Supporting Actors Kostyantin KosinsykiyTamara MorozovaHeorhіy PovolocykiyІhor HniezdіlovOleksіy CherevatenkoEvgen RachokVіtalіy ІvanchenkoYevheniia MiakenkaLyubov TimoshevsykaAshot KeschanTetyana BushunovaOlyha MorozovaSofіya KotlyarovaRoman LyahOleksandr SnіghkoDmitro ІvanenkoDmitro OstapenkoOleksіy KoyudaYevhen SichovYurіy ScherbakYakіv YanіshevsykiySerhіy ZaiecyOleksandr SavenkovVіktor DanilyukNataliia MuzychkoOleksіy RozenVolodimir HoncharovSerhіy BerestLіdіya SemesyukTetyana Hapіcheva
On December 30, Elya is going to fly from St. Petersburg to Moscow to meet with the groom. They met on the Internet and decided to celebrate the New Year together. The groom asks her to take a case with documents, which will be handed to her at the airport. However, a young guy Denis is also very interested in the documents: he was given the task to intercept the case. He can't do it right away. In addition, due to bad weather, all flights are canceled, and as a result, Ale and Denis rent one car for two. On the way, he will repeatedly try to steal the case, but it will not be so easy. They have a long way to go, full of dangers, adventures and unexpected discoveries.
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