Format TV series
Number of seasons 2
Season 1, рік 2019, series 24, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Season 2, рік 2020, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 21.59%
Production company Tri-Ya-Da Prodakshn
Directors Sasha KyriienkoAndrіy ChernihKaterina NekrasovaOlga ZolotarevaAnton AzarovSerhіy Sotnichenko
Director of photography (DOP) Dmitro BaghenovRoman HrusheviyPavlo NeberaSerhіy Nіkіforov (II)Oleksіy Kalіn
Second Director Dmytro Kapranov
Producer Natalіya StribukVіktorіya KorohodІhor Volkov (IV)Serhіy Baranov (II)
Leading actors Dana AbizovaDmitro RatomsykiySerhіy KalantayFedіr HurinecySerhіy RadchenkoYevhenіya MucІrina MelynikІhor RubashkіnVіktorіya Chepurna
Supporting Actors Maryna SofiichukOlga KiiashkoSerhey Lihtey
According to the Turkish channel format "D" Passion Price.
Anastasia Streletskaya works as a neurosurgeon at one of the best Kiev clinics. One day, she leaves for an accident in which one of the clinic's clients was allegedly injured, but instead of an accident, an ambulance brings them to the warehouses of the pharmaceutical factory, where Nastya becomes a "dangerous witness" to deliberate murder. To remain a living girl will need to fulfill the request of the bandits and completely change.
Time is running out. Anastasia's enemies, drowning friends and benefactors, become cooler and cunning. Hope to escape from the criminal environment will be destroyed. Nastya will lose the most expensive people, but will meet the main man in his life.
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