Never give up

Ukraine - 2020

Status Completed

No trailer

Format TV series

Number of seasons 1

Season 1, рік 2020, series 4, ~46 minutes, TV channel Україна

Rating 7.58%

Fraction 20.14%

Genre Drama

Production company UPS

Directors Pavlo Tupik

Screenwriter Ievgeniia Savychenko

Director of photography (DOP) Andrii Polyvanyi-Bukhtiiarov

Production Designer Tetyana Polevіk

Composers Vladlen Pupkov

Sound Directors Serhіy BevzyukBohdan HubsykiyMihaylo Petrenko (II)Іhor YashinIhor KazmirchukOleksіy Shevchenko (III)

Film editor Oksana Bondarenko

Сostume designer Alyona Shibanova

Makeup artists Lyubov Balakerieva

Casting director Olyha Dovhany

Producer Natalіya StribukVіktorіya KorohodІrina ZaryaYevhen LyaschenkoІrina ChernyakVіtalіy SіrenkoІrina Franchuk

Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs

Leading actors Lyanka HriuAlіsa LukshinaKaterina HulyakovaOlesya NadeevaAndrіy AverkovV'yacheslav DovghenkoMaksim BoryakAlіna RazumenkoV'yacheslav HіndіnSerhіy Frolov

Supporting Actors Anna LebedievaMaksim DanyshinMyroslava FilipovychYevhen SіnchukovSerhіy RadchenkoSvіtlana KirpichovaYurii KukharenkoAnna SediukTamara MorozovaІrina MakStanіslav BghezinsykiyGhanna BohdevichJulia GapchukAndrіy TіtovSerhіy BulіnHalina KornieievaMiroslav PavlіchenkoOksana FilonenkoVeronіka Luk'yanenkoAnghelіka DovhanyOleksandr KrighanіvsykiyHeorhіy LeschenkoMikita ParhomenkoHerman BoltuhovBohdan TriboyAnastasіya YevtushenkoAndrіy LelyuhІnna NіkonenkoAnastasiia GyrenkovaOleksandr ArtemenkoVolodimir RaschukSerhіy SavenkovValentin KiselykovArtem BalkashinovGaluna SviataOleksandr OnufrіievOleksіy VlasenkoKsenіya NіkіshinaPavlo Tupik Polіna KolomіiecyHristina KiselyovaIvan Potapov

Creation year 2020

Country Ukraine

Language Russian

Premiere in Ukraine 19 april 2020

Successful business lady, the head of a large company and the bride of the charming handsome Elijah. At 36, Marina lacks just one thing: the courage to admit to herself that all this does not make her happy. Marina's life is a festive screen, rich entourage, behind which the unhealed traumas of youth are safely hidden.

Everything changes in one day when Julia comes to work in Marina's office – a person from her past. Her appearance causes Marina to return to the city of her childhood and unravel her ancient wounds. Will she have the courage to look in the face of the old image? Forces to face another betrayal? Consider wisdom among the expensive tinsel a new, true feeling?

Movie shots

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